Chariot ride prepping

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We are all crammed into an elevator and stop at certain floors one by one dropping the tributes off on their floors. When the elevator dings for the fourth time James's and my family get out. The whole floor is blue ocean colored. There are two doors. One has a pink shell ad one has a blue shell on the front. Two people step out of each door.

"You're here! Lets start getting you ready!"

I am grabbed by the wrist and pulled into the pink shell room before I can think about what is happening. The two people are ladies, each covered in a certain color. One is very plump and only a sky blue, she tells me her name is Ocean. I guess that's why she's designing for the fishing district. The other is as think as a toothpick and is all bright yellow, her name is Marjory, apparently from what she told me it means pearl.

"So your name is Riley?"

I nod

"Isn't that a boy's name?"

I wanted to say something about being named Ocean, but I just shrugged.

"It can be a girl name too."

They jump right into talking all about the opening ceremony and about how beautiful I'll look once they were done with me. That kind of scared me, since they said once they were done with me. None of that sounded good at all.

"we should start with tying back your hair then we'll need you to take off your clothes."

Now that made me feel even worse, I haven't known these people for even two minutes yet and they need me to trust them.

Ocean pulled my short brown hair back in a tight ponytail, I could feel how tight she put it in because she pulled my hair really hard. After that I slowly took off my clothes, but I left on my under clothes.

"You'll have to take those off too."

I shook my head

"Can I just stay in these for now?"

"I suppose."

Marjory said

"But you will have to take those off later."

Ocean starts shaving my legs.

"We used to wax, but that takes much too long."

I was surprised that she didn't cut me with the sharp blade. Ocean shaved every part of me, my legs, my arms, my stomach, even my neck. When she was done I looked bright pink. Marjory coated me in different colors of cream.

First a dark blue, then she washed me down and put on a terquoise layer and washed me again. This happened with six more colors until my body was a light, milky blue. They coated me in a clear substance, then poured glitter on me. They rinsed me off, but the glitter stayed. My underwear and bra were soaked so they told me to change into a robe. I quickly put the robe on, comletely naked under it.

"now Tranquilla will get your hair ready."

A lady with dark purple hair walked in. She was short, but her hair made her look very tall. She ordered me to sit down and brushed my hair roughly. It hurt, but I was wondering how she would do my hair. There were no mirrors in the room, just me, Tranquilla, and shelves of things to make me look as unnatural as possible. When she was done she told me to go through a door and meet Jacob.

I got up and walked across the room, wondering how my hair looked. I walked through the door to see Jacob watching television. It was the reaping. I looked really bad. Maybe the capitol will like me for taking care of my friend. Jacob heard the door close and turned.

"Oh my"

He said, he sounded disappointed

"I told them to leave your skin alone, I hate it when they do that and look what they did to your hair. They should've left it it's natural color."

"But you made you're hair white."

I interrupt

"No, i'm an albino."

He sounded hurt

"This is how I naturally look. Not like any of those monsters who make themselves human rainbows. They take so much time and work to make them look strange. But I guess that means they'll think your one of them."

I turned and saw that there was a mirror behind me. Looking back at me was a girl with light blue skin, a fluffy white robe, coated in sparkles, and dark blue hair, put in huge curls that just went past my chin.

"Do you want to stay that way or do you want me to change you back?"

"Um, maybe I can look like this for the parade then change for the interview?"

"alright, I just liked your brown hair better."


Alright, lesson one of the hunger games- don't tick off your stylist, Jacob is going to get revenge now... JK!

He is a good guy and wants her to be who she is. I hope you liked this chapter and I will update soon.

PLEASE comment. I don't care if you say my name is Bob and this is the worst story in the world. I need feedback!

I will update soon have a nice day! (:

-Llamadillo5 <3 you guys who are still reading, please keep reading because it does get better.

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