On our way to the games

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Its Rickey shaking me awake

"What time is it?"

I ask

"Only seven but I want to hang out before you have to go."

I know what she's talking about and put on some fuzzy socks. We slide around until we get hungry and go eat a midnight snack. On our way back to bed we hear screaming. We quickly run to the door and open it. Anna is bolted upright and screaming her head off. I run up and grab her hand.

"Anna? Just relax you have a few more hours. Just sleep."

she pulls my hand away and keeps screaming.

Her younger brother had fallen out of his bed and his arm was so bent up in so many places that I was sure that it was broken more than once. He is still fast asleep from the spray.

"I'll go get someone, just relax."

Rickey stays with Anna and I get a peacekeeper. Eventually everyone is awake because of various medical peacekeepers running down the hallway. His arm is fixed and he doesn't wake up until after his arm is straight again.

"Thank you."

She says as everyone goes back into their rooms to get ready.

"You're welcome. Just relax, he'll be fine."

I take a long shower and brush my teeth so many times they seem to sparkle. I meet Jacob in the hall and after breakfast he starts getting me ready. He ties my hair back in a long slender braid that keeps every strand of hair out of my face. Then he hands me a bag.

"This is your outfit. There are some things I have to show you after about it, but make sure to put everything on."

He walks out of the room and I turn the bag upside down. I guess that it isn't very respectful for what I'll be wearing for a long time but I might die soon so I think I'm allowed to have a bit of an attitude. The bag has a lot of clothes in it. I look down at my belly as I'm undressing and notice how big it's gotten. I guess that it'll help to have a little blubber to keep me warm.

It starts with under clothes. A think tank top with weird bubbles along the inside. I put a tight t-shirt over top of it. Followed by a greenish jacket that is water proof. There are two sets of pants and I put the one with bubbles on first followed by a flexible camouflage material. I have two pairs of socks and warm hiking boots. I look in the mirror and see someone completely different from who I saw yesterday. Then I was beautiful, now I am deadly. I walk out and Jacob smiles.


He shows me that the bubbles expand when its hot so I can cool off and shrink when its cold so I have more warmth beside me. The socks come in handy if i want to wear one or two pairs but the hiking boots are supposed to be good for running. He pats me on the back and we go into the elevator, he gets off on a different floor and doesn't say goodbye. I feel a bit sad but get off at the very bottom floor. A large group of peacekeepers are waiting by the door for each tribute. I am surrounded so I have no clue where we are after walking for a while.

I am put in a small room that has nothing but a large glass tube to carry me to the games. A man walks up and tells me to give him my arm, I give it to him and he puts something in it.

"Its a tracker, don't take it out or poke it."

He leaves and I am alone. After a minute Rickey, my mom and dad, Katlynn, Jacob and his kids are squished inside. I hug everyone and Katlynn gives me a few last minute techniques. They press their three fingers to their lips and solute me. I solute back and get in the glass tube. A sudden blast of air pulls me up and I see a large forest. This is the arena.

All of the tributes are risen up and we wait for the countdown. It starts at twenty and by the time it reaches five Maggie and I have spread a plan down to all of the allies. Five, four, three, two, one.


What do you think? Cliffhanger! But don't worry, I promise i will update soon, actually I am so excited I'm going to post annother chapter in a few minutes :P big thank you for being so patient, school is so busy i just might explode so I might as well put her in th games first. :D so excited!

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