The Games: Day 1

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I run at top speed and grab two back packs. Anna, Nathan and a few others in the alliance go straight for the center of the cornucopia. I run at top speed to the forest and don't stop until I can't breathe. After a few minutes everyone catches up, only Harriet was injured, but it wasn't anything serious. Just a small cut down her arm.

We take inventory on all of our supplies. One bow and two sets of ten arrows so we have twenty arrows. Anna makes sure that everyone knows that it is her bow and if anyone touches it they will lose a hand. We all take a step back then laugh a bit. A part of me knows that she's serious. Without the bow she can't defend herself.

Maggie grabbed herself an axe and she happily chops down a tree for us to use for a shelter. Nathan grabbed a sword that is already covered in a thin layer of blood. I know that this is the hunger games but that was fast. Really fast.

"people are still fighting at the cornucopia so it will take a while for all he canons to sound."

Maggie says breathing heavily.

Ryan and Harriet grabbed two backpacks each, so we have six backpacks. Daniel pulls a first aid kit from behind his back.

"I only pulled this out of one guy's backpack. I couldn't get any more."

Ryan also got a spear, no one really knows how to use it very well, but it will still come in handy.

"So we have one bow and twenty arrows, one axe, seven knives, six backpacks, one sword, one first aid kit?"

Everyone agrees.

"Should we look through the backpacks?"

Ryan asks

We open them one by one. There are six and each have a different color. One red, one blue, one orange, one brown, one light green, and one dark green.

In red was a water bottle but it was empty. It had a first aid kit, a blanket and a half empty pack of matches. It also had a very long strand of rope. In the blue was another water bottle, a small bag of fourteen crackers, and a small metal bowl. In the orange bag we had all food. It seemed all of our food was in fourteens. Fourteen small chunks of meat, fourteen small chunks of cheese, and two water bottles. In the brown bag was a camouflage sleeping bag with a matching fuzzy blanket. In the light green was a set of twenty darts and a hollow tube.

"Whats that?"

I looked closer and notice that it is a blowgun.

"I guess that it means they are poisonous darts."

The last bag held nothing but three full water bottles. That means we have one water bottle per person.

"oh and I got these for you."

Anna says, holding out a small pouch. I opened it and revealed seven throwing knives.

"Thanks Anna, I need these."

We fit all of our supplies into the backpacks but took the water bottles out. Harriet and Ryan went to find water while Nathan and Anna set up their watch stations. Anna sat in a tree, ready to shoot an arrow at any time, and Nathan hid in some bushes directly below her, sword ready.

"Come on Maggie"

I say grabbing a knife

"Lets go hunting."

We went off and I found out why I wanted her as my ally, she was one of the best hunters in our group. She took down so many animals with her axe in half an hour that I couldn't believe it. We went back to camp and Harriet and Ryan helped up clean our catches. They found a little stream not too far from here. There were sounds coming from the bushes so I held my knife up. It was James.

"Woah! Riley I just want to talk, put the knife down."

I lower the knife

"What are you doing here?"

He starts to talk but three canons go off.

"I guess the battle at the cornucopia is done now."

another bang signals four.

"Only twenty to go."

He says

"What do you want?"

I say.

"You guys got six back packs, we got the last one, or half of the last one. Can we have some supplies?"


I say

"We worked hard for all of our supplies, you guys have to work together."


He grumbles and heads back into the woods. I am shocked that another canon doesn't go off because he trudged really loud. The next thing I hear is the sound of a whizzing arrow and a thud. Anna falls out of the tree.


I shout, hoping that her wound isn't fatal. I look and see that she is the one who shot the arrow.

"What happened?"

"I-I-I can't do this! I can't kill-"

She started throwing up. She can't handle killing someone. I don't know how it feels but it is tearing her apart. I look at the lifeless body of Mathew from district six. Anna is crying and throwing up badly. Nathan rubs her back and tries to comfort her while Ryan and Harriet try and drag the body where she can't see it. I know what I have to do. I grab a rock and throw it at Anna's head, she falls over. Nathan has me pinned up against a tree, his hands tightening around my neck.

"She's just unconscious"

I can barley speak

"When she wakes up she won't remember it, just tell her he died at the cornucopia."

Nathan loosens his grip as Harriet and Ryan come back.

"What are you doing?"

Ryan shouts and pushes Nathan back. Nathan storms off and leaves us alone.

"There are rings on your neck."

Harriet says pointing to my neck.

"I know, I knocked Anna out so she won't remember and he tried to strangle me."

"Are you OK?"

I shrug,

"It hurts, but I think I'll be OK for now."

I start a fire with the least amount of smoke possible and we make lunch out of our catch. Another cannon, tonight I will know who, but for now we must wait. I know it isn't Anna because she is breathing. I would never kill her, I hope the Capitol knows it. I hope that my family doesn't think that I've changed one day in the games. Maye I will, I have no clue.

If I'm one of the last tributes I'll have to kill someone. I have no choice or I will die. Everyone wants to get back to their families. I need to get back to Rickey, not a want, a need. I lay back against a tree and we make a schedule of who will be on guard. I sleep as Maggie watches for other tributes.


I'm so weird, one small chapter and then a huge one. Oh well, tell me what you think and the first person to comment "Relax Nathan." Gets a dedication. Thanks for reading and may the odds be ever in your favour ;P

The one hundredth hunger gamesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora