Last day on the train, onto the Capitol

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I look and see that all of the clothes were gone, so was the box. Jacob had put them all away while I was looking at his designs. Rickey had been awake for a while now, silently listening to us talk.

"So your the queen of the ocean now?"

"I guess so."

I say and shrug

"You have to help her with that."

Jacob said, taking the notebook back. He quickly scribbled a few pages then gave them to Rickey.

"There are a few events you can't do with her, the parade, the interview and the games itself. You can however be with her during training. I want you to take the title princess of the sea."

"wait a minute."

I say

"If i'm the queen who's the king?"

I get a bad feeling about what was coming next.

"Your partner of course."

"You mean James?

"Yes, the Capitol just loves a good romance. All you have to do is cry a little if he dies, and if you are caught on cameras together tell him that if you don't win, you hope he does."

"But I don't like him that way."

"Just pretend, you can stick to your friend and him. Perfect! You can be the district four trio. Beautiful, you thought nothing could separate you three best friends, but then oh my! The huger games have ripped you apart so you must fight to get back together, but if only you weren't together, you must live your nightmare of having to kill your best friend or going home to your other best friend."

"don't you think its a little dramatic?"

"The Capitol loves drama."

"Are you okay with it Rickey? I know you like him."

"Perfect! A lover faced with the choice of watching her best friend die or her beloved crush. Oh this is perfect!"

"NO its not!"

I shout

"None of this is perfect, none of this is good or great or anything. Just bad! The whole idea of the hunger games was invented by an evil monster!"

I storm out of the room and go down to the dining cart. I look out the window and see bright silver buildings and think it must be the Capitol. Jacob rushes down and helps me pick out an outfit from what is left in my closet then we all get off the train.

"It hasn't been four days yet."

I say to Jacob

"the trip was faster than usual. District six developed a new engine that goes twice as fast for the train after it crashed."

We step out of the train, Rickey and I holding hands again. The Capitol cheers and reaches out to touch us. I want to slap their hands away but instead I reach out and touch a few of their hands smiling. The clothes they wear are scary, so bright my eyes burn and so dark you'd think it was night.

We are taken into a large building. Inside are all of the other tributes and their families, every person only got to bring three people and since Lavender said your parents and one other it is difficult to tell if they are siblings or friends. Mom and dad are behind me, followed by James, his little brother and his parents.

I feel like I am already dead before the games when I see all of the tributes. This year they are all introduced by another lady with bright orange hair and she is so plump she makes me think of a pumpkin. She tells everyone's names and we have to shake hands. I am shocked when I realize I know seventeen of the twenty-four tributes. All of the tributes are twelve and thirteen. How could that work? Wouldn't anyone volunteer to save them?


Ooh! I love what comes next... I want to spoil it but I shouldn't, its why she knows seventeen of them. I should say that these charectors are based on some of my classmates, kind of scary right? Anyways, I hope you liked this chapter ...PLEASE COMMENT! Sorry, I just need to know what someone thinks other than me. If the comments are about how I seporate the words from who said it, thats ok even though I already know it. Anything, any comment and I'll dedicate the next chapter to you. Have a great summer, or whatever season it is where you are. (:


<3 you guys for reading!

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