On the train Day 1

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Ok, sorry it took a while but here is my third chapter. If you are still reading please comment!

So I hope you enjoy the story!! (:


Here's the best idea in the world. Why don't I let my best friend spend time with her crush be fore I kill him?

I am placed in my cart, they bring in some cots for my family to sleep on. Then it occurs to me. What if the other tributes have families that are experienced fighters? What if I'm not helping myself at all? Why did I have to make that wish?

It is getting dark and all I can hear is the Magenta lady rambling about how great the games will be.

"The train ride will take four days, and training will take two weeks."

So I have two weeks and four days until the games, eighteen days in all. I decide to actually listen in case she says something important.

"you may go where ever in the train you wish, but please be in the dining cart for meals."

All of the words after that are blah blah blah hunger games yay your going to die and we all get to watch! Not actually, but pretty much the same thing. When she is finally done we are free to go. I lay on my bed and Rickey lays next to me. I think everything over that could possibly go wrong even before the hunger games start.

Dad could get in a fight with the peacekeepers. (he's always despised the capitol.)

Rickey could fall deeply in love with James. (by that I mean more in love, if that's possible)

I could die in a training accident (Although that might be better than going into the games)

I could my family into trouble somehow (Don't ask, but i'm sure i'll find a way to mess everything up for everyone)

The capitol might take the wish part out of the games (That would be so rude of them, but it sounds like something that they'd do)

I thought of at least fifty before Rickey looks down at me

"Do you smell that?"

I sniff the air and an amazing smell fills my nose.

"Lets go see what it is!"

"Wait, are we allowed?"

I think for a moment

"Yeah, magenta lady said so."

"I thought she said her name was Lavender, not magenta."

Wow, I think that was a really close guess.

"Lets just go."

We follow our noses to the smell. We find a cart on the train where there is nothing in the room but a table. It is so huge that it covers most of the room, but there are only a few places set to eat, because the rest of the table is covered in food! We both run down to the table and completely pig out on everything. We suddenly stop when someone walks through the door holding a silver tray.

"Do you like it? I made it specially for today."

The person holding the tray is a girl, maybe nineteen. She has a chef hat on and is beaming down at Rickey and I with out plates full of a delicious meat.

"Yeah, its great. What is it?"

"I can't remember I think its a small chicken, put in a turkey, put in a duck, put a pig, coated in my special home recipe sauce."

I choke thinking of how long one dish of that could feed my family. My family! They haven't tried this gross sounding, yet scrumptious tasting dish yet. I take another bite and run to get my parents. We all eat, but mom insists that we eat politely. After she tastes the meat we all go back to gorging ourselves. Magenta lady, or i guess her name is Lavender walks in.

"Oh, that's why you aren't in your room. Have you tried the turduckin?"

I nod, that must've been the name of the meat. James and his family come in and sit down. Everyone eats for a while until people come in and take our plates. I look to see James brought his parents, and his little brother. There are only four people in his family so he got to take everyone. Rickey's eyes bulge as bigger plates are placed in front of us and the dessert is revealed. A light, spongy cake coated in layers of what Lavender calls ice cream and icing. It was so good. When we are all done we need to wash the food off of our faces. We go back to my room where I have my own private bathroom. I look for a towel to have a shower and open a closet filled with beautiful clothes.

I never did understand capitol fashions, but the clothes are so nice and fit so well I just had to wear them instead of my worn out, holy clothes. I take the biggest fluffiest towel and have a long hot shower. There is a whole wall covered in buttons, I press every one and by the time I am done my feet look like prunes. We all take a long hot shower and go to bed.

"No no"

A peacekeeper tells Rickey

"the tribute gets her own bed."

She is placed on a cot and we all say goodnight. When the peacekeeper leaves Rickey climbs back into bed with me. Safe and warm under the heavy woollen blankets. I have never been this comfortable. I close my eyes but can't sleep at all. I turn over to see Rickey is having the same problem. I smile and we both run around the train, on the cool marble floors in our fuzzy warm socks and fluffy warm nightgowns. I have a light green one and Rickey's is blue.

"You look so pretty!"

She says to me

I look at myself in a mirror in the hallway. My usually sweaty and knotty gross hair is lying on my shoulders. My usually holy and chilly nightgown is replaced by silk. Real silk! I look over at Rickey and her shining green eyes, her long beautiful red hair that reaches her back. We hug.

"We are so beautiful."

I say

we spend a lot of the night sliding around the marble floors in our fuzzy socks until we smell a good smell again, not the meat though. Sweeter, maybe not the cake but something really good. We go down to the dining cart to see a midnight feast of dessert. The cook lady tells us what each dish is as we take samples. When we have tried all the dishes we tell her our favorites and we go up to bed. Now we are so tired we don't even have to try to fall asleep.

The one hundredth hunger gamesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon