Part 10

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Y/n: Do you want a Divorce? *Looks straight not wanting to make contact as he changes his view to look at you*

Jungkook: No....why, You want one? *Tries to hide his tears*

Y/n: Mm, no just asking... *You don't know what to say because he doesn't show affection towards you anymore because of his job,

Jungkook: Ok then...*he then leaves to the other room*

Y/n: Wait!.*you stand up facing him*

Jungkook: What? *Turns around to you*

Y/n: What is wrong with you?

Jungkook: What? *Confused*

Y/n: I mean...look at you, you are acting cold towards everyone Even ME! Just because you are a Mafia CEO doesn't mean that you have to be cold to Me as can be cold to whoever you want, but NOT your family...

*He doesn't know what to say and so you just leave, he doesn't even think about what you said and focuses on his business*

*Next day, you go out with Blake, and have some fun*

*You go to a cafeteria and have lunch and then do crazy stuff*

*After you have been hanging out all day, he gives you a hug and Jungkook drives past you seeing you hugging another man without knowing it's actually your step brother and you then go home*

*at home*

Jungkook: I think I do want a divorce... *Sobs*

Y/n: Why?

Jungkook: I know what you are hiding... *He tries to avoid having eyes contact with you*

Y/n: what do you mean? Even I don't know what I'm hiding *giggles*

Jungkook: I saw you and that Man...

Y/n: Look, you misunderstood everything, and plus why were You around that area?!

Jungkook: That doesn't matter, all that matters is that I saw you Hugging that man ! *Teary*

Y/n: You must be joking *teary*

Jungkook: Does it look like I'm making a joke and I'm giggling?! And...I already signed it, I only need your signature *Finally looks at you in the eyes*

Y/n: Your, your not joking? *You then looks at him straight in the eyes*

Jungkook: .....

Y/n: Ok, then if this is what you really want then long as you'll be happy *you then sign the divorce papers*

Y/n: I'll be leaving in the morning, tonight I'm sleeping on the couch *you then start packing*

*On the phone*

Rose: Hey Y/n!

Y/n: hey...

Rose: are you ok?!

Y/n: Oh yeah, do you mind if I come live with you?

Rose: of course I don't, but What happened?

Y/n: I'll explain when I come to your house *ends the call*

Jungkook: Y/n....

*You ignore him because he doesn't let you explain*

Jungkook: Y/n!


Jungkook: Y/n!! *He then come stop you and grabs your arm from packing your stuff*

Y/n: What?! *You looks at him*

Jungkook: Oh....*he saw how frustrated you are so he let you go* nothing....

*You then went to bed and so did he*

*Jungkook felt lonely, and sad when he knew he didn't have you by his side again, but he still believed that something was going on between you and "that man" *

*He then as he was laying down, he turned himself facing to the way that you would be laying down next to him and he put his hand there  and also on the pillow caressing it as if it is you*

*It has been about 2 weeks and you had to go to the doctor since you have started to get bad migraines *

Dr: Miss ...

Y/n: Miss...Min...

Dr: oh, you are out down as Mrs Jeon?...

Y/n: oh, change it to Miss... Min please...

Dr: Ok then . let's start the scan...

*A few minutes into the scan the doctor looks confused so you start to worry*

Y/n: is everything ok?

Dr: Y-yes it is.. I think I might have figured out why you have bad migraines *smiles*

Y/n: why? *Scared*

Dr: you, you are pregnant! Congratulations! *Smiles*

Y/n: no, this can't be right...

Dr: when did you divorce? *She knows about the divorce with Jungkook*

Y/n: 2 weeks ago.... And before that, a few months ago we did it but it was protected *confused*

Dr: Well... miracles can happen even when you don't expect them *smiles*

Y/n: This is not a miracle! This is like a disaster! I mean... I can't go back to him and be like "hey, I am pregnant with your child" can I ?! *Scared and worried*

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