Part 15

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Jungkook: How many times do I have to say no?!

Y/n: Until you really get it *you then go into the other room*

*Next morning, it was early in the morning and you got up gently not waking Jungkook up, you packed your bag and you went where you had to go leaving Jungkook and Julia a note*

*After about 2 hours, you got to your location (it is quite near but far from your family) and Jungkook and Julia wake up*

*They go into the kitchen hoping they would find you*

Julia: Where is mum? *Confused looking at him*

Jungkook: I don't know... Wait *he then finds the note you left them*

Julia: What is that??*walks towards him*

*Jungkook then started reading the note out loud*

*Note: I know it is early in the morning, I didn't wake you up since I knew you would stop me.
I took my decision and left since it is the only way to stay as a family.
I want Julia to have someone who can protect her and  who is strong beside her, not someone like me.
So if someone asks especially Your Father or My father, you need to say that we broke up and I left Julia with you since I can't protect her the way you protect her. Please just let me do this for Julia's own good, she deserves to have two loving parents, I may be able to visit sometimes.

Yours Sincerely, Mum/Wife*

*Julia sits on the couch in tears and Jungkook sits next to her mad*

Julia: I don't know how mum can do this for us...

Jungkook: It's so we stay as a family...and they changed the plan because of the war which happened just before your mum had a..... *He realised that Julia isn't supposed to know about the miscarriage you had*

Julia: What did she have? *Looks in her father's eyes*

Jungkook: It's, it's not important anymore.... We have you now *smiles while standing up*

Julia: Dad, please! I Should know if it's about Our Family! ,*Stands up following him*

Jungkook: I know, I'll take you there later *smiles*

*A few hours passed, you are still there but you decide to go somewhere since it is a important day*

*Jungkook then drives Julia to the location,

Jungkook: Here, *gets out of the car*

Julia: what is this? *Gets out following her dad*

Jungkook: Your mum and I made this for your angel sibling *looks at her*

Julia: When?

Jungkook: Just before she got pregnant with you *smiles*

*She then hugs her dad hearing her name*

Y/n: Julie... *Walking towards them*

Julia: Mum! *Runs to her as you guys hug tight*

*You then break the hug and go hug Jungkook tight as he hugs you back*

*He then breaks the hug and puts his arm around the back of your waist with you daughter Infront of you and you guys look at the grave you made for your up unborn child who was supposed to be 18 years old today*


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