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All the girls in there own homes rushing to get ready for the Annual Greenville Ball. This ball is for all business people and there children. So the children can see what they can become in the future or take over.

Eight O' Clock

Sana door bell rings
"Hey you made it on time" Sana said
"Wow you look beautiful" Beomgyu said looking Sana up and down
"Thank You" Sana said locking up the house and heading out

Farwa got ready but is still not feeling well after what happened a few hours ago. Her eyes and face still puffy. But she still got ready because she knows how important it is to her parents for her to be there. So she headed out meeting with the rest of them.

Afeefa getting getting her makeup and hair done Afeefa was still sad after Jake.
'I really have no date today what is wrong with me should I apologize to him. But I did nothing wrong.' Afeefa thought to her self.
She locked up her door to meet up with the others
As she turned around there he was Jake.
Standing in a suit all cleaned up holding a bouquet of roses
"What are you doing here" Afeefa asked in an attitude
"I-I'm sorry for the way I acted. I don't know what got into me. I wanted to talk to you in school earlier I realized I was wrong for what I did but you still seemed so mad so I thought I would give you some space for a little bit. But I can't go any longer without seeing you." Jake explained himself
Afeefa took the roses and smelled them and smiled at Jake
"You got all dressed up to" Afeefa asked with a chuckle
"Well I knew you needed a date" Jake replied smiling
"Hehe okay umm let's go they must be waiting for us" Afeefa said as she grabbed Jakes hand

Ding Dong
"Who the hell is ringing my doorbell I told them I'll be out in a second" Laila yelled to herself
Ding Dong
"Okay okay I'm ready I'm coming" Laila yelled to the person behind the door
As she opened the door Yeonjun was stood there in a suit all ready to go to the party
Laila froze for a moment as butterflies were bursting in her stomach and her legs went numb
"Wh-what are you doing here" laila said slightly stuttering
"I told you I'm your date to the ball" Yeonjun said
"You weren't joking" Laila said
"No why" Yeonjun said
"This is so awkward I can't go with you" Laila said
"Well you have no choice so grab your stuff all the other people are waiting for you outside let's go" Yeonjun said
Laila walked out her house and met up with the others

Hajra putting her shoes on heading out to meet the others. ' I wonder if Jaemin will be at the party. If he's a business man in Greenville he should be there. We will see tonight if he is telling the truth.' Hajra thought to herself while waiting

"Where's Jeonghan" Sana asked
"Oh uh he can't make it" Farwa said
"Oh is he too busy being a star now" Hajra said
"Ha ha" Farwa awkwardly laughed
Still thinking about what happened and whether she was at right or wrong
"Okay everyone's ready let's go" Afeefa yelled
As they all sat in the limousine to go to the ball.
They reached the location the limousine parked up by the red carpet
First Sana and Beomgyu walked and got there photos taken
Then Afeefa and Jake
Next Laila and Yeonjun
"Don't touch me" laila told him while getting there photos taken
"Then the photos not going to come nice" Yeonjun said back

"We're next" Hajra said to Farwa
Hajra and Farwa walked together and got there photos taken

As they all walked in the hall there was loud music and people everywhere talking young and old.
But all the talk was just business which none of these girls were interested in yet.

"Oh you guys made it" Sanas mom came up to them
"You must be her new boyfriend" she asked looking at Beomgyu
"Uhhh yea hi Im Beomgyu" Beomgyu answered
"Well nice meeting you, You kids have fun okay" She said as she walked off

"Only one date in and I'm already meeting the parents" Beomgyu said teasing Sana
"Shut up" Sana said rolling her eyes

"TERRY" Beomgyu yelled seeeing a young man with blonde hair standing a short distance away
"BEOMGYU" Terry yelled back
"Who's he" sana asked
"My friend from grade school" Beomgyu said
"How's it going it's been forever" Terry said
"It's good everything's good" Beomgyu said
"Oh this is my girlfriend Sana and these are all her freinds, Hajra, Farwa, Laila, Afeefa, Jake, and Yeonjun too I guess. And this is Terry guys" Beomgyu said excitedly
"Hi, oh thank god I have somone to hang out with now I was about to ditch the party" Terry said
"Okay let's sit on the second floor less people there" Sana said
They all walked up the stairs in there gowns and sat together on a table

"I now present the Royal family of Na's" the announcer announced
"Oh are the they ones that funded the party this year" Laila asked
"Probably, lemme see them" Sana said as she stood up and looked over the balcony of the second floor with all the others following her
"Hey isn't that Jaemin" Afeefa said
"Ya Jeonghan freind from the cafe" Jake said looking at Farwa
Farwa just looked at him and nodded with a blank face
"What! He's a Royal why would he hide that" Hajra said surprised
"Maby he didn't want to be treated differently" Sana said
"I thought he was poor" Laila said
"A man looking like that POOR" Yeonjun said
"What are you guys all looking at" Terry asked coming back from the wash room
"The Royal family apperantly" Beomgyu said
"Oh really what's there names" Terry said
"The Na family the son is Na Jaemin" Hajra said
"NA JAEMIN" Terry yelled
Catching a few looks and glances from people around him
"Shhhhhh why are you yelling" Farwa said getting embarrassed
"Do you know him" Hajra asked curious of what he knows
"Yea obviously who dosn't. How do you guys not know the background story. Has your parents never told you guys." Terry said bugging his eyes out
"We barley see our parents" Afeefa added
"Okay so tell us now" Sana said
They all headed to the table and sat in there seats
"The Na family is one of the biggest mafia groups of all time. They carry on through family generations for several years. They are Royals but they use that mostly as there cover. They own almost every business in Greenville. Your parents are-" Terry said as he paused suddenly
"What about our parents" Laila asked
"No I can't go on about that if you guys don't know then it's probably not the right time your parents will tell you then" Terry said
"Hey my parents don't have business you can tell me" Beomgyu said
"Hey if I can't know you can't either" Sana said elbowing Beomgyu
"Hey tell me too" Jake said
"Oh me too" Yeonjun said
"No I'm not going to say more I've said enough" Terry said walking off
"What the hell" Hajra said with a scared face
"I know right what is going on in Geeenville" Afeefa added
"I need water" Hajra said as she headed down stairs
While going down the stairs her shoulder bumped a young man
"Oh sorry" Hajra said walking off
"Hajra" the man said confused
Hajra looked back to see and it was Johnny Suh
Hajra just looked at him with a blank face as he came closer to her
"Hey how have you been, I've been meaning to call you for a while now" Johnny said
"Thank god you didn't" Hajra said
"Can I explain myself about that day" Johnny said
"It's been years how about we all move on" Hajra said
"No you need to know the truth" Johnny said
"What that you cheated I saw it with my own eyes" Hajra said
"HAJRA" Jaemin yelled from down the stairs
Hajra and Johnny both looked down
Hajra slightly scared because of what Terry had just told her
Jaemin made his way up to the two
"Hey" Jaemin said kissing Hajra's cheek
As he put his arm around her waist
Hajra slightly backed off
As Johnny starred
"Na Jaemin" Johnny said in a weird tone
"This is the best you can pull" Johnny went on to Hajra
"Johnny stop you don't have to act up now there's people around" Jaemin said
"Act up! You screwed up my life I have nothing left because if you" Johnny said
They all went silent as Hajra just started at Jaemin who had his arm around Hajra
"Hajra I may have hurt you but you should look into this monster before you get to close" Johnny said as he walked off
"Hey I can explain" Jaemin said
"Then explain" Hajra said taking his arm off from around her and looking at Johnny leave wanting to follow him and ask him what had happened
"He was just jelous of you being with me we just had some arguments in college and he never got over it" Jaemin said
"Uhh okay I I just have to go now" Hajra said going back up the stairs by her freinds leaving Jaemin alone and mad

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