Date Night

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Shabeela walked in to the hybe building studio the day after her date with Taehyung.
'I should act normal. Act like nothing happened. He left in the morning meaning he just wanted a night out.' Shabeela thought to herself

She stepped in and BTS was already there waiting for her

"Hey guys, you ready for your concert today." Shabeela said

"Yeaaaa" Jungkook slightly yelled
"Yesssss" Jhope said at the same time smiling

"Okay then let's get ready then. Who's first?" Shabeela said
Jhope came first to get ready
One by one the each came to get their makeup done
Last was Taehyung. He sat on the chair and looked at Shabeela
'Oh my gosh why do I feel like this. I'm supposed to act normal.' Shabeela thought to herself
Shabeela grabbed her foundation brush and started to do his makeup
"So you have nothing to say about last night" Taehyung said to Shabeela
"ME?" Shabeela said
"Yes you, no one else was around last night." Taehyung said lightly smiling
"Oh yea it was fun. But you probably didn't you were long gone before I woke up." Shabeela said still wanting to know why he left her
"Oh no it wasn't like that I promise. I got a call to come in the studio for practice. And I didn't want to wake you up. I thought I would just see you at work." Taehyung said
"Oh I just thought" Shabeela said
"No no I had a lot of fun, I really like hanging out with you. We should go out again tonight." Taehyung said
"Tonight, uhhh okay yea sure." Shabeela said

"What's happening tonight" Jimin came in the conversation
"Nothing nothing" Taehyung said
"Come on let me know I wanna go too I won't snitch on you guys. I promise." Jimin said
Shabeela just looked at the two smiling and feeling awkward
"Cmon let's hang out I really wanna go" Jimin said
"Okay let's go you can come too after the show." Taehyung giving up and letting him come along

"Hey what's up. How's it going" Jungkook said in a very jolly voice
"Good good I just came to watch you guys perform" the man's voice said

The man seemed to be getting closer to Shabeela and Taehyung

"Okay all done" Shabeela said to Taehyung
"Woah looking good man" the man said to Taehyung in a perfect English accent

Shabeela looked up to see who was talking

'Oh my gosh it's the, the Cha Eunwoo' Shabeela thought to herself
As she was staring at him up and down

"Can I help you" Eunwoo said to Shabeela
"Me oh no sorry for staring" Shabeela said
"No no your good. Do I know you from somewhere" Eunwoo said
"I don't think so" Shabeela said
"You guys know each other" Taehyung came in between
"Umm no I don't think we do" Shabeela said
"Your the girl" Eunwoo said
"I'm the girl?" Shabeela looked at him confused
"The one I bumped into last time I came to a concert. I thought I would never see you again. I thought you were just one of my everyday people I see and crush on and your gone." Eunwoo said

" crush on?" Shabeela started blushing

"Yes you were so beautiful and your voice was so, I couldn't get you out of my head for a good two days" Eunwoo said
"Really?" Shabeela said blushing and giggling
Taehyung lightly punched her back without anyone noticing
"Are you seeing anyone. Can I take you out sometime?" Eunwoo asked
"Ummmmm I I I am kind of seeing someone." Shabeela said
Shabeela really wanted to go out with Cha Eunwoo even if it was just one night but Taehyung was stood right behind her the whole time

"Oh sorry, We can be freinds at least right. I'll be here for tommarow concert too let's watch the concert together." Eunwoo said
"Yea sure that sound fine" Shabeela said dying inside

Eunwoo walked away and Shabeela turned around to look at Taehyung
"What's wrong with your face" Shabeela said to him as he looked mad
"You like him" Taehyung said with a straight face
"Your jealous already" Shabeela said
"No I just want to know" Taehyung said
"Maby I have a slight crush on him, but I like you remember" Shabeela said point at Taehyung chest
"I believe you" Taehyung said sarcastically shaking his head and walking off
Shabeela giggled to herself

                              - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Show was over and Taehyung picked up Shabeela from her house
Sitting in the front seat Shabeela looked back looking at the figure
"You actually came" Shabeela said laughing and surprised
"I wasn't joking" Jimin said
"So are you two like a thing thing now" Jimin asked
"We umm I don't know yet" Shabeela said blushing
Taehyung smiled looking at her
"Yes we are. But don't tell anyone yet I don't want anyone knowing" Taehyung said
Shabeela looked up at Taehyung when he said yes and smiled. Her face started to heat up
"You could've at least told me. You know I'm your favorite." Jimin said
"Yea yea you know now" Taehyung replied

They went out to the busy streets with there masks and hats on so they don't get noticed

They ate street food and did a little bit of shopping

"You guys wait here I'll be back" Taehyung said
Shabeela and Jimin waited
Taehyung came back with a rose and gave it to Shabeela
"Awwwww how cute" Jimin said
Shabeela took the rose and covered her face feeling shy
Taehyung slightly laughed at her

As they walked making there way to the firework show Shabeela stopped and looked around
"What is it" Jimin asked
"I don't know I feel like I hear camera sounds" Shabeela said
"There's people everywhere and cameras" Jimin said
"No I feel it and I feel someone's following us" Shabeela said
"No one can recognize us we are wearing masks" Taehyung said trying to make paranoid Shabeela feel better
"I guess but you guys did take them off to eat" Shabeela said
"No one's following us" Jimin said
"Okay okay" Shabeela said and continued to walk thinking she was just paranoid

They were stood by the shore of a lake watching the firework show
Taehyung slowly moved his hand by Shabeela's and intertwined his fingers with hers
Shabeela looked up at him an smiled while turning red

The show ended and they sat in the car to head home again

They dropped off Jimin first to get him out of the way
Taehyung then drove Shabeela home
They spent the night together......

The next morning Shabeela woke up to an empty bed again
She thought to herself Maby he went went to work early again
So Shabeela got ready to go to work as she headed inside the studio she was met by an angry Bang Hi Shiyuk.

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