Christmas Movie Day

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It was now Christmas morning everyone in there own house waking up
Stretching and recovering from last night

Heading over to Sana and Shabeela house to open there Christmas gifts and spend the day there like they always do
There house was always the one to go to
They all just gathered there gifts under their tree

One by one early in the morning they all arrived
Afeefa, Jake, Hajra, Jay, Farwa, Jeonghan, Laila, Yeonjun, and Terry
I don't know what happened to Terry girlfreind she never showed up
Zahra would rather stay home and sleep in

They all arrived and the girls started making breakfast
Hajra was working on the cookies
Laila started scrambling the eggs
Sana was cutting some fruits
Afeefa was setting up the table
And Farwa toasted the bread

"Hey did you talk to Mason then about Taehyung?" Farwa asked
"No, not yet" Shabeela said
"Don't you have to tell him by today. Isn't he leaving back to Korea." Laila said
"Yea. I just don't know how to tell him. How do you tell a two year old, hey you have a dad now." Shabeea said
"Well Maby if you told him from the beg-" Sana stopped when Shabeela glared at her
"Just talk to him now on the sofa. He will be comfortable. With everyone around." Afeefa added
"That's awkward." Shabeela said


All the guys came running to the table to eat some food
And the girls joined them to have some breakfast
They all ate and filled their bellies up

Then they cleaned up after themselves and all went to the living room and sat on the sofas

They sat awkwardly all waiting for Shabeela to bring up to Mason he has a father

"Hey, Mason what would you do if you saw your daddy?" Jeonghan asked
Shabeela looked at Jeonghan. He had no reason to bring it up
But she didn't say anything because she wanted to know what Mason would say
"I don't have a daddy." Mason replied
"But if you had one would you be happy or sad?" Jeonghan asked
"I-I would be super duper ultra mega happy" Mason said showing how happy he would be with his hands

Then everyone was staring at Shabeela to tell him who his father was
"Ummmm Mason. Your father. He.........your dad is V from BTS." Shabeela said
"WHAT?" Mason yelled
"That is your dad." Shabeela said
"Why did you never tell me" Mason said

"Don't worry, she never told me eiether" Terry said shaking his head
Everyone looked at Terry like why would she tell you out of everyone

"I didn't tell you because he was super busy. But now he isn't. And now you can hang out with him." Shabeela tried to explain but failed miserably

"You suck at explaining" Jake said
"Shhhh" Shabeela put her finger on her mouth

"So he really is my dad?" Mason asked again not believing he has a dad
"Mhmmmhmmm" Shabeela said

"Are you super happy now little guy?" Yeonjun asked
"YES,YES, YES?" Mason yelled jumping up and down

A few minutes later they got to opening the gifts under the tree
From pajamas to shoes, Toys, jewlery, dresses, and bags
Everyone was happy with what they got

It was still early in the day
"Let's watch a movie?" Sana suggested
"Let's watch a horror movie" Beomgyu said excited
"Okay let's do it" Terry said everyone getting comfortable in there spots wearing blankets getting cozy

Beomgyu was sat hugging sana you was practically laying on top of him

Hajra was all cuddled up in Jay's arm

Afeefa had her head laying on Jakes shoulder
While his arm was hugging her

Laila and Yeonjun were sat by eachother with a two foot gap in between

Farwa and Jeonghn were sat together
Jeonghan was about to put his arm around Farwa when Mason came in between
He pushed Farwa to the side
"I wanna sit next to Uncle Jeonghan" Mason said
"Heyyyy you took my spot" Farwa whined
"Nuh uh you took my spot." Mason fought back
"Guys, guys stop fighting. It's okay you can both sit by me." Jeonghan said showing off and being full of himself
He then put his arm out to go around Farwa
But Mason was still in the middle of the two

Shabeela and Terry were both just sat alone
"I want someone to cuddle me." Terry said giving a look to Shabeela
"Ewww stop looking at me. I don't want you by me." Shabeela said with a gross face

The movie had started and everyone was really into it
When the scary parts would come everyone would cover there faces

(When the scary parts would come)

When Laila got scared she held Yeonjun's hand and realized what she did and quickly tried to let go but Yeonjun wouldn't let it go
"LET GO OF MY HAND" Laila yelled
"You held mine first" Yeonjun said
"So" Laila said not knowing what to reply
"So now you have to stay like this" Yeonjun said

"Guys shut up" Terry said
"Ughhhh" Laila got frustrated and tried to pull her hand out

Sana would turn around and hide her face in Beomgyu's chest and he would hug her

Afeefa would get scared and jump or slap Jake super hard from all the tension built up.

Hajra would get scared and hug Jay's arm
But Jay seemed more scared than Hajra so she had to comfort him. And hug him to calm him down.

Terry and Shabeela would cover their eyes and peek through the finger gaps. And yell super loud when something would happen.

When Farwa got scared she was about to hug Jeonghan but Mason jumped in his lap and covered his face. Jeonghan hugged Mason to comfort him and Farwa got left alone. She crossed her arms and made a face at Mason. Jeonghan just laughed at her.

The movie had ended and everyone was still freaked out.

Ding Dong

"Who is it?" Farwa asked
"I don't know" Jeonghan said

Sana got up to open the door and she walked in with Taehyung behind her

"Oh hi." Farwa said feeling awkward
"Hey man. What's up." Jeonghan said jumping across the sofa to shaken his hand
"Damn, you don't have to yell." Hajra said to Terry

"Shabeela can I talk to you." Taehyung said
"Sure" Shabeela said
They both walked to the kitchen

"Did you talk to Mason?" Taehyung asked
"Yea" Shabeela replied
"What did he say" Taehyung said
"He was surprised but he seemed fine." Shabeela said
"Can I take him out today?" Taehyung asked for Shabeela's permission
"Yea, if he's okay with it" Shabeela said

She then asked Mason if he wanted to go out.
Mason was thinking about it. He didn't know how to talk to Taehyung knowing he was his dad.

"Oh my gosh, just go." Farwa said to Mason wanting Jeonghan back
"Farwa calm down he's thinking." Jeonghan said
"He's taking to long." Farwa said annoyed

"Mommy can you come with me." Mason said
"Not this time I think you two should spend some time alone." Shabeela said
"Okay. I'll go." Mason said getting up and getting ready to leave

"About time." Farwa said scooting in by Jeonghan as Jeonghan put his arm around her

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