Ballroom pt.2

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"I'm bored let's dance" Beomgyu said taking Sanas hand and dragging her downstairs to the dance floor.

"Cmon Laila we can dance too." Yeonjun said
"I'm good thanks" Laila replied
"Cmon let's just have some fun, just freinds having fun no feelings attached" Yeonjun said lying about the feelings part
"Ooookay" Laila agreed while getting up

"Let's have a dance too" Jake said
"Obviously I thought you wouldn't ask" Afeefa said sarcastically As they both went downstairs

"Looks like it's just you and me left" Hajra said
"Yea, why don't you dance with Jaemin" Farwa said
"I don't know something is off about him. I need more information." Hajra said
"Why didn't Jeonghan really come I noticed you've been really quiet tonight" Hajra went on to Farwa
"Huh? Oh we got in an argument and I think I overreacted a bit. I don't know I feel kind of bad for what I said to him but it hurts me that he cares nothing for my opinion on his life or our lives together." Farwa said
"Oh do you know when he's leaving" Hajra asked
"No" Farwa said
"You should talk to him before he leaves then you will regret it forever" Hajra said
Farwa stayed quiet thinking about what she should do as Terry walked up to the

"Hey where's everyone else" Terry asked
"There all dancing" Hajra said
"Oh you-" Terry said as he got cut off by Hajra
"Tell me more about Jaemin please" Hajra begged Terry
"Why are you so interested" Terry replied
"Because I went on a date with him and now somone told me Jaemin ruined there whole life. I just want to know what kind of person he really is." Hajra said
"Does he like kill people" Farwa said interested
"Okay but don't go blabbing this out to other people if word gets around I'll be dead meat" Terry said
"Okay" Hajra said
"Jaemin took over the mafia groups as his dad is old and can't do much. As mafia they have deals and businesses with people around the world and one small bad move then BOOM your done with." Terry said bugging his eyes out very straight forward
"Huh?" Farwa and Hajra both said scared
"Yea they pick and choose who they like and if you come in there way or mess around with them then your done for." Terry went on
" yea I heard that his mom was married before his dad fell in love with her and then he kidnapped her and forced her to live with him because he liked her and only her. And eventually she just gave in and lived with him." Terry said
"What omg that's so scary" Hajra said
"Yea if I was you I would keep my distance. But if you like a little danger and risk go for it the man is pretty good looking can't go wrong there." Terry said
"Uhhhh I have to go find someone. Excuse me" Hajra said as she left the table and headed down in hopes to find Johnny

"Hey you want to dance" Terry asked Farwa who was now sat all alone
"No I'm not in the mood" Farwa replied
"Cheer up its a party" Terry said
Farwa looked up at Terry who was standing next to her holding his hand out
Farwa hesitantly gave her hand to Terry as he led her downstairs to the dance floor
"Do you need to talk about it" Terry asked while slow dancing with Farwa
"About what" Farwa said
"I can tell your sad" Terry said
"No I'm ok I just don't want to think about it" Farwa said as her and Terry danced
Terry bought up her mood as they danced together and laughed

Everyone in the dance floor having fun and making the most of there night. Taking pictures switching partners and having drinks.

Meanwhile Hajra searching for Johnny she saw him standing by the bar holding a drink in his hand. Hajra went to approach him and ask him a few questions.
"Hey can we talk" Hajra said
"Your boyfriends okay with this" Johnny said
"He's not my boyfriend" Hajra said
"He looked very protective and close to you" Johnny said
"So I'm not here to talk about my love life with you now can we talk" Hajra said
"Okay" Johnny agreed
"Not here" Hajra said leading him to the lobby where it was less people around
"What do you want to talk about" Johnny said
" you said that Jaemin is a monster and left you with nothing what did you mean" Hajra asked
"It was nothing I shouldn't have said anything just let it go" Johnny said scared
"Tell me please I want to know what kind of person he is" Hajra said
"He-he he just my dad didn't get a buisness deal signed on time he was 1 hour late to bring in the papers and because of that they lost a few thousands of dollars. So because my dad was 1 hour late  that day Jaemin dad shot him on spot. That's when he died." Johnny explained
"I never knew that. I heard your dad passed away but" Hajra said looking worried
"Yea there not nice people it's just an act DONT fall for it you deserve much better. Even if it's not me find someone who will care for you Hajra." Johnny said
Little did they know Jaemin was listening the whole time
Clapping his hand coming out from behind the staircase smiling
"What a show you put on" Jaemin said as Hajra and Johnny just stared
"You Believe him" Jaemin asked Hajra
Hajra still stayed quiet and scared
Jaemin was super angry but tried to hold back in front of Hajra
"Who the fuck told you little rat to go around and spread stories." Jaemin whispered in Johnny ear
And walked off not saying anything else
Hajra still scared she was about to go back to the hall by her Freinds when Johnny held her hand
"Be careful please I don't want you to get caught up in anything" Johnny said
Hajra nodded her head and walked off

On the dance floor Terry and Farwa still dancing
When Terry slowly started leaning in closer for a kiss
Farwa noticed and slowly moved her head the other way
"Oh sorry" Terry said slightly embarrassed itching the back of his head
"No it's fine but I don't mean to give you the wrong impression tonight." Farwa said
"No you didn't give any impression your good you must have a boyfriend" Terry said
"It's complicated at the moment but yea I have a boyfriend" Farwa said
"Okay then we can be freinds right" Terry said with a smile holding out his hand to shake Farwas
"Of course" Farwa giggled shaking his hand

"I'm tired let's go home" Sana whined to Beomgyu
"Okay let's go, lemme tell the rest of them." Beomgyu said telling everyone else let's go
Everyone grabbed there stuff and headed out to the car.
"Do you like me now, see I'm fun" Yeonjun said say by Laila in the car
"That's why you came you were offended I didn't like you" Laila said
"You still don't like me" Yeonjun said surprised
"Your alright it was fun tonight I guess" Laila said

They all got dropped off at there street and got out to go home.

Beomgyu walked Sana to her door and held her hands facing her.
"I had a lot of fun today" Beomgyu said
"Me too" Sana said
"Okay you rest well I should get going"Beomgyu said
As he leaned in and kissed Sana and smiled at her
Sana smiled back not having any words
"Goodnight" Beomgyu said in a low voice smiling walking away
Sana blushing went inside and sat on the sofa thinking about what had just happened

Afeefa got walked by Jake to her house. He walked her to her porch and looked up at her.
"You are so beautiful I'm so lucky to have found you" Jake said
Afeefa blushed and smiled at him
"Goodnight my love" Jake said hugging Afeefa burying his head in her neck.
"Good night" Afeefa said as Jake let go and walked off

Yeonjun walked Laila home.
"Thanks for tonight" Yeonjun said
"You forced yourself but your welcome" Laila said
"It was still fun" Yeonjun said
"Yea I guess" Laila replied
"You know I really like you, your personality, how you play hard to get." Yeonjun was saying
"Hard to get I'm offended your the one that thinks your all that" Laila said
"Ha you want to go out with me." Yeonjun said
"NOW" Laila slightly yelled
"Not now look at the time but Maby another day" Yeonjun said
"Oh haha okay lemme think about it ummmmmmmmm okay let's do it" Laila said
"Okay rest well" Yeonjun said holding his arms out for a hug
"No we're not that close I'm not hugging you" Laila said as her cheeks got red and fist bumped Yeonjun and ran inside her house and closed the door
Behind the closed door Laila started jumping up and down yelling and smilin
'Is this really happening' Laila thought to herself

Farwa walked home and was feeling really down thinking about Jeonghan.
'Maby I should call him. It's late he's probably sleeping. I'll call him tomorrow' Farwa thought to herself as she went inside and changed into her pajamas

Hajra walking into her house scared
'What the hell did I get myself into. Why did I fall for a freakin mad man. A freakin MAFIA. What the hell I thought that was just in the movies.' Hajra thought to herself while changing

Sana sat on her sofa watching tv thought about what Terry said about their parents. She thought to call Shabeela thinking maby she knows something about it.

Phone call

"Hello Shabeela" Sana said
"Hello why are you calling at this time I'm going to work" Shabeela said
"Oh ok I called to ask I went to the ball earlier and this guy Terry was talking and he said something about Mafia and our parents. But he never finished. Do you know anything of it?" Sana asked
"Mafia, where did that come up from" Shabeela said concerened
Sana stayed quiet
"Ummmmm you will get to know later your still to young." Shabeela said
"Know what just tell me" Sana said
"I will not now I'm going to be late. I'll tell you then okay bye" Shabeela said and hung up nervously
"Ughhh how screwed up is our family" Sana thought

"How am I supposed to explain this to her" Shabeela thought as she reached work
As Shabeela walked into the studio to start a new day at work

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