Bachlorette Party

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It was now late evening two days before the wedding and everyone was getting dressed up to get go out
The girls were going for their bachlorette party
And the boys for their bachelor party

The bridesmaids all had shirts on with bridesmaid written on it.
Farwas had a bride written on the back
They put tiara on Farwa so she can stand out

"Hey tell me what you guys are going to do" sana asked Beomgyu
"Why would I tell you" Beomgyu said
"Because you love me" Sana said
"Not that much" Beomgyu said laughing
"Blah blah blah" Sana said offended

The boys headed out and drove to a club about an hour away

The girls limo they have rented arrived shortly after and they headed out leaving Mason to a baby sitter

Having a whole Karoke session in the back of the limo
While the others danced
These girls were already going Wild

They arrived at their destination which was one of the biggest clubs
Separate then the one the boys went to

They walked in and ordered 5 rounds of shots first
One by one they took their shots so they can get loosened up
And then the Alchol started to kick in
And these girls were uncontrollable

"CHUG,Chug,Chug." The girls yelled at Farwa to chug down one of the drinks
Farwa drinking the whole thing spilling half of it down
"I DID IT" Farwa yelled banging the cup on the table

Time for the crazy bachelorette dares

"Look the guy is staring at you Laila. I dare you to go flirt with him." Afeefa said
"Okay easy" Laila said

Laila walked up to the young man and stood in front of him

"Hi. I noticed you from afar and you stood out very much with that attractive face of yours." Laila said trying to make a sexy face with flirty eyes
"Why thank you. You want me to buy you some drinks. Or do you want to just go straight home with me." The man said
Laila gagged in the man's face and walked off from him

The next few rounds of drinks came in and they drank them all up
Now they were more drunk than ever

"I dare Hajra to take a body shot off someone." Sana said
"Ewwwwww." Hajra said
"DO IT DO IT DO IT" the girls cheered her on
"Okay." Hajra said

She went up to the bar area and stood next to guy their

"I don't know how to say this but I have to take a body shot off of you. My freinds are watching me. It's a dare. Can you help me." Hajra said to some random guy
"Well if it's a dare then I can't say no can I" the man said

Hajra got her shot and took it off the man's body
All the girls cheered her

Then a lady came up to the group cheering

"WHAT THE FUCK SAMUEL." The girl yelled
"Samantha what are you even doing here" the man replied
"Me?" Hajra pointed to herself
To drunk to notice what the girl was yelling about
The lady put her hand up to throw a punch
When Farwa grabbed Hajra's hand and pulled her to run
All the girls running pushing things to the side
And throwing them back at the lady who was now chasing them
They jumped into their limo and told their driver to drive off
They told their limo driver to take them to the next nearest club because the night was still young

They got to the nearest club and sat at a table to calm down a bit
But how were they going to calm down with all the Alchol they had to drink

Laila and Sana went up to the DJ and took his microphones from him
"HEY GIVE THOSE BACK" he yelled but the two ran off to the stage area and started singing

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