The Proposal

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Mason ran by the Christmas tree and got a small box out from under it and stood there holding the wrapped box

He turned around and winked at Jeonghan
Jeonghan winked back at Mason

"Who is it for Mason?" Terry asked

"Auntie Farwa, it's for you." Mason said
"Me?" Farwa said confused
"Uh huh" Mason nodded his head

Farwa walks up to Mason and grabbed the box
She was facing Mason while opening the box wondering what can be inside

Mason face was full of excitement because he was the only one that knew

Farwa lifted the box and it had a huge dimond ring in it
"Will you marry me!" Jeonghan said kneeling on one knee behind Farwa

*GASP* (everyone in the background)

Farwa turned around to Jeonghan
her hand over her mouth
Her eyes now teary
She couldn't believe
The day had finally come

"Farwa I love you for not what you are but what I have become when I am with you. So be with me forever. I promise you, no one will work harder to make you happy or cherish you more than me. Will you Marry Me?" Jeonghan asked kneeling down on one knee

"SAY YES, SAY YES, SAY YES" mason started jumping up and down 

"YES" Farwa said wiping her tears of happiness

"YAAYYYY" everyone cheered

Jeonghan then stood up and took the ring and placed it on Farwa's ring finger
He then hugged Farwa by the waist and lifted her up
"I love you" Jeonghan said
"I love you too" Farwa said

"Kiss kiss kiss" Mason said

The two kissed while everyone still cheering for them

Jeonghan then kneeled down to Mason
"Thanks man. Your actually good at keeping secrets." Jeonghan said as the two fist bumped

"Wait you knew?" Farwa said to Mason
"Duh? Me and Uncle Jeonghan are besties" Mason said
"Yea besties" Jeonghan added

"How did you not blab it out." Laila said
"Yea you blab everything out" Jake added
"I only blab what I want. It's fun telling your secrets. But I can't tell this one. It was tooooo big." Mason said

"Did you know?" Sana said looking at Shabeela
"Me. No. I knew nothing of this." Shabeela replied

"Thanks little man. I'll take you shopping tommarow." Jeonghan said winking at Mason

Mason now so excited

Terry bought out the champagne bottles and blew them open

Everyone congratulated the two

All the girls admiring the rock on Farwa's finger

"He actually proposed. I can't believe it." Shabeela said
"I know I didn't expect it at all." Hajra said
"Oh I'm so happy for you." Sana added
"Wow, can I be your maid of honor" Afeefa added

"Dude about time. Me and Beomgyu saw that ring in your pocket 3 years ago." Yeonjun said
"I had to wait for the right time." Jeonghan said
"You finally put a ring on it. Congrats bro" Jay said

They all congratulated the two and celebrated the rest of the night with some drinks

"That can be us one day you know." Yeonjun told Laila while pointing at Farwa and Jeonghan
"Yea, you keep dreaming" Laila said and walked off
Feeling shy

Afeefa was admiring her Cartier bracelet that she couldnt get her hands on for a whole year
She kept jumping up and down to Jake and thanking him
"You need to calm down. It's just a bracelet." Jake said
"Not just any bracelet, it's the bracelet" afeefa said smiling super widely
And started to kiss Jake multiple times

Terry was dancing with Cardi B both were now slightly drunk

BTS was jamming to the music to singing along and dancing

Taehyung came and sat next to Shabeela and Mason
With Mason in the middle
"Hi Mason" Taehyung said
"Hi" Mason replied and went back to playing with his dinasour
"Do you think we can be friends?" Taehyung asked Mason
"Freinds. Yes. You want to play with my dinasour." Mason said handing him the dinasour
Shabeela watched how the two were already getting along
"HA HA Uncle Jake and Uncle Jeonghan I'm friends with BTS before you guys" Mason yelled out
Shabeela and Taehyung giggled at him

Hajra was stood across the living room from  Jay
Watching him talk to other people
He noticed her watching and walked up to her
He then pulled her in by the waist and started to slowly dance
While Hajra rested her head on Jay's chest

Eunwoo and Ariana were also dancing
Fully in love

Zahra and Niki were sat on the sofa acting all lovey Dovey
Play fighting and tickling one another

Sana kept looking at Beomgyu
She couldn't believe he was so romantic
A promise ring like WHAT
she fell in love with him all over again
"You really thought I was a loser" Beomgyu said
"Your still offended. That was back then. You still are a loser. But it's okay I love you that way." Sana said
He then hugged her by the waist and they started rocking back and forth

Farwa couldn't stop staring at the rock on her finger
She couldn't believe Jeonghan actually proposed
"Hey." Jeonghan said walking up to her
"Hey my love." Farwa said wrapping her arms around his neck
As the two started to dance

Yeonjun was staring at Laila
Smiling at her
"What are you staring at." Laila said in attitude
Yeonjun just laughed
It was like the two were back in highschool

"How did all of you guys think of getting jewlery." Hajra asked
"Oh on our boys day out. We all went to the jewlery shop. And chose our stuff." Jay said

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