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It was a day before Christmas Eve
Everyone was at Shabeela, Sana, and Beomgyu's house
Decorating for the party
All the boys sat on the couches talking
While the girls where going crazy trying to get the decoration done

Laila finished hanging up a mistletoe by the kitchen entrance when Terry walked by
They both realized they were under the mistletoe and got awkward

Hajra saw the two standing
"Oooooooooo mistletoe" Hajra said

"Ewwww I'm not kissing him" Laila said
"Why would I want to kiss you" Terry said
"Yea it's not even Christmas yet. Mistletoe doesn't even count" laila said
"Ye a plus I have a girlfreind" Terry said
"You have a girlfreind? You liar" Laila said
"Why would I lie?" Terry said back

"Guys stop fighting and kiss already" Farwa said

Terry closed his eyes and leaned in
Laila freaking out, had her eyes wide open
Terry then quickly pecked Laila's lips and walked to the kitchen to get what he needed

Laila froze for a moment and quickly rubbed her arm across her lips and shivered from feeling gross

"Oooooooo Auntie Laila kissed Uncle Terry.
K I S S I N G" Mason started teasing Laila
"Stooop" Laila said bugging her eyes out at the kid
"Oh your scary." Mason said running off

Mason sat by his uncles in the living room
"Hey uncle Beomgyu. Can I open a present. Pweasssee" Mason sad making a cute puppy face
"I don't know you have to ask your mom." Beomgyu said
"She's going to say no" Mason said
"Go open one. We won't tell" Jake said
"Really" Mason said jumping off the sofa
"No" Jake said smiling
"I don't like you" Mason said walking off to the kitchen being sad

"Hey what's wrong. Why are you sad." Shabeela asked Mason
"I want to open one gift" Mason said
"You have to wait till Christmas" Shabeela said
"That's taking forever. I just want to open them all now." Mason said stomping his feet
"All of them. How about you open one today. One tommarow night. Then the rest on Christmas" Shabeela said
"Really." Mason said jumping up and down
"You go choose one out I'm coming" Shabeela said

Mason ran to the Christmas tree and chose the biggest box there
"Woah your going to open that one." Jake said
"That's a big box" Jay said

"Mommy said I can choose any one" Mason said sticking his tongue out at Sana
"Your mommy doesn't know anything." Sana said arguing with the kid
"Sana chill" Hajra said
"No I got that one for him. He has to open it on Christmas." Sana whined
"Just open it Mason. Don't listen to Sana. Pretend she's invisible." Terry said
"Bala hakahdh. Kanakas" sana made faces making random noises at Terry

They all sat around to see the gift
Mason quickly ripped off the wrapping paper
He started jumping up and down and screaming
It was a mini G Wagon car for him to ride

He ran to his Auntie Sana and Uncle Beomgyu
"Thank you Auntie Sana and Uncle Beomgyu" Mason said with the biggest smile on his face
Sana was now happy. Seeing Mason like the gift
"See he likes the gift. You didn't need to over act." Beomgyu said to Sana
"I just thought he wouldn't understand it." Sana said
"That kid knows everything." Beomgyu said smiling

"Woah that's so cool. Let's go outside and ride it." Jake yelled grabbing the box and Mason going outside
All the other boys followed

Except Jay
He came into the kitchen
"Do you guys need any help with anything?" He asked
"No, it's okay you go with the boys." Shabeela said
"How are you so nice?"Laila said
"Foreals. The rest don't even care about how hard we work." Afeefa said
"I know there like zoo animals. They would never offer to help." Sana said
"How are you so nice? You go outside and go teach them some tips on how to be nice." Farwa said pushing Jay off
Jay just laughed feeling a bit embarrassed and looked at Hajra, who was giggling
Jay then walked off to go outside

"Hajra your so lucky. Does he have a brother?" Laila asked
"Oh after 10 years Laila feels lonely." Afeefa teased her
"No I was just asking" Laila said
"No he doesn't have a brother" Hajra answered Laila question
"Darn it" Laila said scrunching her nose


The boys all figuring out how to get the car to work
While Mason was sat in it
"Ayyy Mason come with me" Jeonghan said
"I'm driving my car, can't you see" Mason said
"Okay let the stupid boys learn how to use it first, you come with me for now." Jeonghan said

He took Mason to the side

"Well this is awkward" Mason said
"Hey little man can you keep a secret." Jeonghan said
"Is it a good one" Mason said
"Yea so see............." Jeonghan told Mason his secret
"Awesome. Okay I promise I won't tell anyone." Mason said

The two walked back to the street

"Are you not going to open the door to me" Mason said to Jake
"Do I look like a Shaffer" Jake said
"Yea. But even they dress better than you." Mason said
Jake made a face at the kid and opened the door to him
Jay had the remote control for the car
"READY" Beomgyu yelled
Jay then started to control the car
"Woah your going to kill me. What are you doing." Mason said sat in the car
They boys all laughed


Everyone packed up and headed home for the night
They all needed a good night rest for the party Tommarow

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