Last Night

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All of the worried boys got the drunken girl home safe and sound. Half of the girls were now passed out and asleep.

The boys threw them on the sofas and took their shoes off them and tucked them in.

Jeonghan walked off to the kitchen and sat on the stool and began to think to himself

"Hey man you good?" Terry came and asked him
"Huh? Yea I'm fine." Jeonghan said not so confident
"Talk to me. What's on your mind." Terry said
"It's just, I know Farwa is drunk but she said a lot that was on her mind. I wonder if she actually feels like that." Jeonghan said
"I can't say anything about the way she feels but from what I can see she fully loves you. She's always strong at you, talking about you, sat by you, that girl only breathes for you. She probably just scared, what if something goes wrong. You should talk to her tommarow and assure her everything will be fine." Terry said
"Yea, okay thanks man." Jeonghan said
"Yea no problem" Terry said walking off

All the guys also knocked out on the floors of the living room
They were all tired not because of their bachlor party that got ruined but because they had to get them drunk girls under control


It was a fresh new morning and everyone started to wake up
Holding their heads because of the banging going on inside it
Everyone looking pale and sick from the night before

"Oh something smells so good." Sana said
"I know I'm starving." Hajra said
They all got up and went to the kitchen to see all the boys cooking breakfast

"Since when do you guys cook." Laila asked
"Since Jay forced us too." Terry replied
"Awww Jay I love you." Hajra said
"Okay no one else cares" Laila said

Breakfast was served and everyone sat to eat
The boys feeling a bit awkward remembering everything from last night
But none of the girls remember a thing

"So what did you guys do last night." Shabeela asked the boys
"We we're babysitting" Jeonghan said
"Who?" Laila Sana looked confused
"YOU" Jeonghan pointed at her
"ME? what did I do?" Sana said

"Oh my god. What even happened last night. I don't remember a thing." Shabeela said
"Oh you want to see." Terry said excited
"What's I you mean?" Afeefa said

"No don't show it." Jake said
"It's too embarrassing" Jay said

"Why what happened" Farwa said
Jeonghan looked at Farwa. He didn't want Farwa to see what she said to him. What if she just wanted to keep it to herself.

Taehyung looked at Shabeela wondering if she really regretted having a child. If she still has feelings for him.

Does Laila still have feelings for Yeonjun? All these boys wanted answers

Especially Terry who was their for each conversation making a documentary

"Finish up breakfast. Then we will watch a movie." Terry said
"Okay." All the girls said

They all finished up and sat around the sofa
Mason was at a freinds house because everyone was still recovering from last night

Terry connected his phone to the tv and clicked play


"What the hell is that. Where was security. They needed to drag us out." Sana said
"Why am I crying?" Laila said

"Oh my god. Who put me on the dance floor" Afeefa said covering her face
"Thank you for not letting me do a grand finale." Hajra said being disgusted by the video she was watching

"Why did I climb a pole? I'm stuck" Farwa said
"Owwwww my butt. I fell so hard. I wonder if it bruised" Shabeela said

All the girls were super emberassed watching the videos while the guys laughed

"Oh this is the good part. Ready guys." Terry said smiling

Yeonjun and Laila part came
Laila eyes popped out
She couldn't believe any of
Those words came out her mouth
That Yeonjun actually said he loves her back
Everyone was staring at the two making it more awkward
"Laila your not drunk anymore. Do you actually feel like that." Farwa asked
Laila paused for a moment
"Cmon tell us." Beomgyu said
Laila slowly nodded her head a yes
Yeonjun eyes lit up and a smile crept on his face
"WOAH about time" Jeonghan said
"Thanks to me." Terry said rolling his eyes

Next Beongyu catching Sana came up
"Why did I bite you" Sana looked confused
"What the hell you were that hungry." Jake laughed
"Damn you hit a whole ass chunk" Shabeela added
"She really did. It still hurts." Beomgyu said
Sana covered her face feeling embarrassed
Beomgyu wrapped his arms around her and Sana covered her face in his chest

Then Jay dragged Hajra
"Damn you didn't need to be so harsh. You dragged me so badly." Hajra said
"I think he needed to be had harsh." Farwa said
"Yea looking at the way you was dancing" Terry said
"Whatever." Hajra said putting her hand up
"Aww thank god you didn't let me finish" Hajra said
"Can you show us your mom move she taught you. You seem so proud in the video." Taehyung said
"No. Stop leave me alone." Hajra said laughing a bit

Jake walked Afeefa off the stage
"Oh my god who the hell gave me alcohol to drink. Why am I making those noises." Afeefa said
"What kind of bird are you. I never seen a bird make those noises." Beomgyu said
"I have no ideas" Afeefa said
"Aahhahahahhhhhah do the worm Jake." Terry bursted out laughing
"Let's see it go. Go" Jay added
"I'm not gunna get on the floor. Go click play Terry." Jake said

Then Taehyung gut Shabeela and put her down
"What am I saying." Shabeela face dropped she didn't know she confessed so much
Everyone went quiet
"Oh my god. I swear I don't feel that way about Mason. I really do love him." Shabeela said
"Yea you just said that in the video." Jake said
"I know but how could I say I regretted it too." Shabeela said
"I regret you having him. That kid drives me crazy" sana said
"Same" Farwa added
"Nuh uh. He's my best friend." Jeonghan defended him
"Yea. You guys are just losers." Beomgyu said
The video went on and the whole confession Shabeela said to Taehyung was never ending
Shabeela face was on fire from embarrassment
She didn't dare to look around at anyone else's expressions

"Okay so I basically worked out Laila and Yeonjun. Guess it's your guys turn." Terry said
"Yea Shabeela tell us how you feel" Sana said
"Do you hate him. Like him, or LOVE HIM." Yeonjun said
"You have to answer now. No more holding back." Laila said
"I feel like I love you. But I'm not sure." Shabeela said
"What does that mean?" Jeonghan said confused
"I don't know what it means." Shabeela said
Taehyung felt like he still had hope to get Shabeela back

"Last part. Who's ready." Terry said
"I don't think we should watch this." Jeonghan said getting weirded out
"Why. What happens." Farwa said
"Let's just watch it. You can use the help." Terry said
"Couldn't you give me a lollipop or something. I was dying" Farwa laughed
"Oh my gosh. Farwa" sana was surprised by how she felt
"What does all of that mean?" Laila said
Farwa looked up to Jeonghan to see his expression
Everyone sat silent waiting for Farwa to speak
"I- I didn't mean that. Jeonghan look at me." Farwa cupped his face and looked at him in the eyes
"Every girl has doubts. Believe me. And of course I do. I have a million thoughts going through my head right now. But I only want you. I love you." Farwa said
Jeonghan smiled and kissed Farwa

"AWWWWWW THE END" Terry said disconnecting his phone
"Thanks to me." Terry said looking at all the couples proudly

"This is so embarrassing" Afeefa got up to walk off
"I'm dying. Someone go dig me a grave." Shabeela said
"Me too." Laila added
"Go rent a cemetry for us" Sana added

All the girls walked off to go home and to their rooms without looking back
They couldn't believe what that much alcohol can do to them

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