Truth or Dare

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Laila turned around
She looked Yeonjun in the eyes
And she froze
She had no idea what to say in the moment
Yeonjun was waiting for her answer
Laila had tears form in her eyes
One by one a tear started to roll down her face
What was she going to say?
She was scared
Of course she still loves Yeonjun but how would she tell him that
Yeonjun lifted his hands to Laila's cheeks and held both sides
Wiping off the tears with his thumbs gently
Laila quickly stood up and threw his hands off

"Just........leave me alone." Laila taking his jacket off of herself and walking back inside

"Oh did you guys make up. Are you guys going to be happy happy." Terry said seeing Laila com inside

Laila looked up at Terry with her teary eyes
Terry then felt bad for what he said

"Hey it will be okay." Terry said side hugging Laila and rubbing her arm assuring her all will be okay

Yeonjun sat out side for a minute to think before he headed inside
'Does she still have feelings. She said to leave her alone. But it didn't seem like she really meant it." Yeonjun thought to himself

Everyone was now sat in the living room together
The boys kept looking back and forth at Shabeela and Taehyung hoping for one of them to say something
They just looked for drama
Meanwhile the girls new nothing that was going on
But they were worried for Laila who was no longer having fun

"Mommy how much longer till I open my gift" Mason asked being very impatient
"There's 1 hour left okay." Shabeela said
"Okay. Oh I can't wait." Mason said happy jumping up and down

"Hey Mason go sit on your tablet for some time. We're going to play a game." Sana said to Mason
"I wanna play." Mason whined
"No it's a big people game." Sana said
"Reallllyyyyyy like what." Beomgyu said smirking at Sana snaking his hands around her waist coming in front of her
"Get off of me. We're going to play truth or dare." Sana said pushing Beomgyu to the side

Sana took Mason to the next living room because Truth or dare can sometimes get intense
Rules are there's no backing out
No lies
You have to do the dare you are given
You have to tell the truth of the question asked
No matter how much it might hurt

All sat on the sofas facing one another

"Who's going first" Jeonghan asked
"I'll go" Terry said

"Okay truth or dare?" Sana asked
"Truth" Terry said


Terry hesitated to answer remembering he had deep feelings for Farwa
I don't think they ever went away
He still looks at her with admiration sometimes
"Ummmmmm ha ha. Okay at first I had a crush on Farwa." Terry said

"ME" Farwa yelled
"Actually I kinda knew that you tried to kiss me the first time you saw me." Farwa said
"Oh yea. Hahaha." Terry said feeling emberassed

"Dude you weren't around then. I didn't even know who these people were. I was just there at a party." Terry explained himsef
"Don't worry I'm over it now." Terry said
"Still not cool." Jeonghan said rolling his eyes

"Okay just continue the right way in the circle." Afeefa said

Next up was Cardi B

"I choose Dare." Cardi said
"I dare you to do one of your dances for us" Terry said proudly
"Nah babe why would you say that" Cardi said getting up
She started twerking
Hajra covered Jay's eyes and lifted his jaw that had dropped

"Thank god that is done we didn't have to see that." Laila said rubbing her eyes

Next was BTS one by one they all chose dares
But Jake and Jeonghan wouldn't let anyone else speak for them or dare them to do anything
They would just make them do special dance moves they wanted to see them do seperatly
No one else enjoyed but they sure did

"That's  hardley even a dare. Your supposed to say more intense things.They do this stuff for a living. You can go watch it on YouTube." Farwa said elbowing Jeonghan
"Shhhhhhh it's the only time we cancan see it from this close up." Jake said watching them do there dares

All of BTS went except Taehyung because he was sat after Eunwoo and Ariana

Up next was Eunwoo

"Okay I choose truth too" Eunwoo said
"Tell me the truth. Did you like Shabeela." Hajra asked

"Dang I thought this was a fun game why is everyone asking so serious questions." Zahra said
"Foreals this should be called confession time" Niki added

"Me yea I liked her. But I never told her. There was never a right time." Eunwoo said

Eunwoo glanced at Shabeela and Shabeela was looking at him and felt sad
She never knew the way he felt
She always saw him as a friend

"Did it scare you that she was pregnant" Terry asked
"No-" Eunwoo was about to answer before he got cut
"Only one question per person." Sana quickly said feeling awkward

Next was Ariana
"I do dare" Ariana said
"I dare you to try and do the dance that Cardi did" Afeefa said

Ariana got up and really tried to do the dance but she failed miserably.

Taehyung was up next

Jeonghan was about to ask him to do a dance move
But Taehyung chose truth
"What truth am I supposed to ask you." Jeonghan got offended he didn't choose dare

"Oh I know what to ask" Beomgyu said with an smile on his face

"What would you do if you had a kid right now while being an idol.?"

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