The Talk

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"Oh my gosh there gunna talk, like actually" Beomgyu whispered to everyone
"I hope this goes well" Sana said biting her nails
"Foreals this is nerve racking" Hajra said

They all sat in the living room waiting for the two to come back

"Uhhh I need a drink" Terry said walking towards the kitchen
"I need one too" Beomgyu said following behind Terry
But the two stopped behind the kitchen wall when they heard two voices talking

"I'm sorry" Taehyung said
"It's too late for that now. It's been almost 3 years" Shabeela replied

"3 years. For what." Beomgyu said looking at Terry
"I don't know." Terry whispered shrugging his shoulders
The two continued to eavesdrop

"I wanted to help you back then but I couldn't. I know you won't understand and I don't know how to explain it to you but-"

"I understand. I understand everything perfectly Taehyung. That's why I left. That's why I didn't even speak for myself. Why I didn't stand up. That's why I left quietly. That's why I never picked up your phone calls. Because I know what spot you were in. I know what rules you have to follow." Shabeela said cutting off Taehyung

She knew that she had gotten him in trouble
She blamed herself
But for some reason she still wanted him to say one word for her
One word to help her out
But no one said anything that day

"She left him. Were they together?" Terry whispered
"Hey guys what are you doing. We need a drink too." Jake and Eunwoo came up
"Shhhhhh" Beomgyu shushed them to listen

The two in the kitchen went silent for a moment

"I don't need an apology. So you can go move on. You don't have to feel bad about what happened."  Shabeela said
"How can I not feel bad. It was my fault. I was the one who approached you" Taehyung said with sorry eyes

"They were a thing" Beomgyu said
"What the hell. Well then again I didn't even know she worked with BTS" Taehyun said
"How can she date him and not tell us" Jake said
"Oh it was a mess. She got in a lot of trouble. Dating scandals and all." Eunwoo said
"YOU KNEW." Beomgyu whispered yelled feeling offended
"Yea I knew. That's when we became friends" Eunwoo said
"Shhhhh their talking again" Terry said

"Yea you approached me but I said yes. I shouldn't have. I knew the rules. If you break the rules you have to pay the price." Shabeela said
"Okay can I go now are we done talking" Shabeela said about to walk of when Taehyung held her wrist
Shabeela turned around to look at him
And see what he had to say

"What now" Shabeela said in a soft voice
"The kid" Taehyung started to talk
Shabeela's face went straight she didn't know what to think anymore
"Is he mine?" Taehyung asked

"What the hell. I was joking earlier. This is real" Beomgyu said
"I can't believe this. What's going on." Terry said
"Someone needs to help Shabeela out." Jake said
"You can go. This is so awkward." Terry said back

Shabeela couldn't form any words to say
While Taehyung was staring Shabeela straight in the eyes waiting for an answer
A heavy silence fell upon the room

When suddenly the speaker had music blasting
It jump scared both Shabeela and Taehyung
Who both looked to the side
Shabeela took this opportunity to just walk off

"Oh shit, she's walking this way. Run. Go, go, go." Terry pushed the other guys to move
So Shabeela doesn't know they were listening

Shabeela walked off to go to the bathroom.
Her heart was pounding out of her chest.
Tears formed in her eyes
'What am I supposed to do. Why does my life have to be so complicated.' Shabeela thought leaning against the bathroom door

"Hey do you know Mason might be Taehyung son." Terry said to Jeonghan
"What." Jay said hearing Terry
"Shhhh. I don't know the full story but he might be the father." Terry said
"How. That's so cool. But so odd. Is that even possible?" Jeonghan said
"Wait Shabeela is coming now, act normal." Terry said

Shabeela sat on the sofa next to Mason
"Mommy can we do gift time yet?" Mason asked
"No, not yet. Gift time is always at 10. Okay. You still have to wait a little bit." Shabeela explained
"Okay." Mason said

Yeonjun and Laila walked out to the front porch and sat on the bench

"Is it this private. You had to bring me out in the freezing cold" Laila said
"Oh sorry" Yeonjun said taking off his jacket and putting it around Laila
Yeonjun was now freezing but didn't show it as long as Laila felt warm

"Laila I wanted to say-"
"Stop Yeonjun I don't want to hear it. Your stupid excuse. There's no point." Laila said looking at the ground
"I wasn't going to make up an excuse. I was going to say I'm sorry. That day, when I saw my ex I just couldn't think straight. I used to love her and I never got to say goodbye. When I saw her I just thought I was imagining her. It took me long to get over her to forget her. But meeting you, You made me forget. You made me remember what it's like to have fun. To smile again. To laugh. To mess around. You brought me back to life. And what I did........ when I kissed Giselle....... It was wrong of me. I don't know what I was thinking. I just wasn't thinking. But I never wanted her again. I never saw her again. I only wanted you. I always wanted you. I tried many times to contact you but you would ignore me and block me. Laila I'm sorry. I really am sorry." Yeonjun explained himself

Laila listened to him carefully

"Do you think you can ever forgive me?" Yeonjun asked
"Yea of course I can forgive you. But I can't be with you." Laila said
"Huh?" Yeonjun said looking up feeling sadder
"Yeonjun if you did it once then what makes you think you won't do it again. Once a cheater always a cheater." Laila said feeling a bad that last part actually came out of her mouth

Yeonjun had nothing to say
He knew he was wrong for what he did

"Do you still have any feelings for me?" Yeonjun asked
"It doesn't matter. I can't risk for them to be hurt again." Laila said
"But do you?" Yeonjun asked slowly taking Laila's hand into his

Laila got quiet and looked down at her hand
She swallowed a big gulp of spit
Suddenly she started to get heated
Her stomach started to get tingly

Yeonjun then lifted her head up from the chin slowly and looked her in the eyes
"Do you still have feelings for me?" Yeonjun said

Laila quickly looked away

"If you can look me in the eyes and tell me you hate me. That you never want to see me again. Then I'll leave you alone forever." Yeonjun said

Laila turned to look at Yeonjun.........

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