meeting uzi

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It's been a month since the combaticons moved into shockwave's laboratory and they've each been building their private quarters underneath the laboratory. Shockwave was currently adding new modifications to his body like new weapons for his limited arsenal and his scanners. Suddenly, one of his monitors picked up a massive energy surge at where he first awoken on this planet. He walks over to a computer and contacted Onslaught who was out on an energon expedition with his team mates.

"Onslaught, I picked up an energy surge, you and the other combaticons remain resume your expedition while I investigate." Shockwave informed Onslaught who agreed with an 'affirmative'. Shockwave deactivates the comm link and walks outside. Shockwave spreads his murder drone wings a launched into the air with great force, sending a strong wind current.

Shockwave flew over the ruined city for  a while until he sees a tower of worker drone corpses. Shockwave lands on a ruined skyscraper and scanned the area. He noticed a worker drone with purple eyes and a hoodie with a weapon strapped onto the back. Shockwave has a strong feeling that this was a femme. The worker drone run as fast as she could from the tower. He also noticed N chasing her with his wings and claws out.

'Hmm, she looks cute. Wonder what her oil tastes like? Let's kill her while we have a chance." The female voice suggested as shockwave scanned the weapon on her back. He detects the same energy he picked up in his laboratory. This was caused the energy surge.

"I'm going after her. Not to kill her but to take that weapon of hers." Shockwave states but the voice groaned.

'Why won't you listen to me and kill them all?!' The voice demanded as shockwave took to the air and follow both N and the worker drone from above.

"Because I have better things to do than killing worker drones." Shockwave replied as he continues his pursuit.

'No matter how much you deny it, you can not hide the fact that you are a murder drone. Your very purpose is to kill! Kill! KILL! HAHAHAHAHA! Someday, you will be mine. Mine to bend you to my will. I am slowly taking over your mind and body and you know it!' The voice told Shockwave  as he continues flying. Shockwave knew she was right, she's slowly taking over his mind. It gives him a clear understanding of what the voice is: She's a parasite. An infection that clings to the mind like a tumor and takes over. This infection tells shockwave to kill  and he wants to cure his infection once and for all.

"I will rid myself of you, this I swear on my very spark." Shockwave told her but she chuckles evilly.

'I like to see you try' the voice said as shockwave made his decent when the worker drone and N went into a kind of building. Shockwave lands and activates his new cloaking device before walking into the entrance and saw a hallway littered with dead worker drones. He notices N pinning the female worker drone with one of his bladed wings.

He also noticed a worker drone with a mustache and what looked like wrinkles on the screen, showing that the drone was old. He noticed the weapon was right at the old drones feet and the female drone was telling him to use it on N. The old drone was shaking with fear until he took out a remote and he pressed it and a door slammed down, shut. Then the lights turned red. The old worker drone left her to die. He abandoned her. He saw the look on the female's face. Shockwave knows the pain the female is feeling when starscream and the decepticons abandoned him not only on cybertron but on the nemesis too. Shockwave clenches his servos in anger of the old drone made the choice to abandon her. The coward. N looks at the female with guilt.

"Whoah, N?" The voice of J exclaimed as shockwave (who is still invisible) and N turns to see J and V crawling on the ceiling with their claws like insecticons before dropping down. Shockwave saw N threw the female to some cover.

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