Chapter 25

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It was strange seeing the world from this view. Of course he had been high up before, y'know like roofs and trees before. But never the same height as a human. Well almost the same height.

He and George had gotten ready pretty quick, considering George just had to grab a pickaxe and some healing potions. He searched through his bag while he waited, making sure he wasn't missing anything for the trip. He always made sure he was ready for pretty much anything, one too many borrowers had gotten too comfortable traveling. Always expecting to make it back as planned, when that didn't always happen.

George came back pretty quick, walking into the kitchen with an iron pickaxe and a couple potions attached to his belt. The problem came along with bringing Dream, well at least having a way to keep him hidden.

Dream looked over George, trying to think of a way this could work. He couldn't really bring a bag, he wouldn't have anything else to put it in to make it look useful. He could wear a jacket but in the entire time he's been here George had not worn a jacket a single time, so it might look suspicious.

'But he has worn a hoodie' Dream thought, getting an idea. He turned back to George, seeing him looking through the potion cabinet. "George!"

George jolted back, turning to look at Dream with wide eyes. "What?" he asked surprised, surprised by the sudden call out.

Dream gave him a confident smirk, sure his idea would work. "Go change into a hoodie"

George raised an eyebrow, slightly confused by the request. "A hoodie? Why?"

Dream rolled his eyes, giving George an exasperated look. "Just trust me, I have an idea"

George sent him an unsure look but nodded anyway, turning to leave the kitchen.

Dream watched George leave the kitchen, feeling the subtle vibrations in the surface below him. It was still kind of strange to him, being so close to a human for so long. He sometimes found himself wondering what his village would have thought of him now. He used to know everyone in that village, and everyone knew him.

They always said he was what it meant to be a wild borrower, living as one within the forest. Independent of any reliance, never needing to steal food from humans. He was a natural in the forest, traversing it like he was made alongside it. He always gave his mother a fright, every single time he jumped from one branch to another.

They always said he was more reckless than any borrower should be, taking the risky path every chance he got. Of course it almost always paid off, getting his people things that would be too much danger to get normally. Like a bird egg! Something stupid dangerous to even get near and he managed to get a bluebird egg all the way back to the village.

But was this one of those risks? The ones that everyone told him not to do but he always managed to pull off. Or was the risk he couldn't pull off? The ones that left him injured for weeks with bruised bones and ego.

The slight vibrations brought him out of his thoughts, looking over to the entrance to see George walking back in. He was wearing a hoodie now, a light gray one that was loose on his form. Dream nodded with a satisfied smile behind his mask, this would work. "Now we solved our problem on how I stay hidden," he said, gesturing to the large pocket on the front part of the hoodie.

George gave him a confused look before looking down, seeing the pocket. He got a look of understanding when he caught on, looking back to Dream with a smile. "Brilliant!"
Dream chuckled, slipping his bag back over his head. "Are you ready to go?"

George looked himself over, checking to make sure he had everything he would need for a cave trip. He didn't really need to take much, he figured Sapnap would have the majority of the supplies. He tended to bring more than necessary whenever they went iron mining so it was never really an issue.

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