Chapter 27

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He was being squeezed. That was the most prominent problem of the many he was facing. The hand wrapped around his body, clutching him in a fist, was nothing close to the gentleness he had grown to associate with George.

Sapnap was just looking at him, squinting like he couldn't figure out what the hell he was holding. Of course it wasn't surprising that he wasn't watching how tight of a hold he had Dream in, the blood trickling down his face gave away how confused he probably was.

Dream gasped as the hand holding him shifted, applying pressure to his chest. Thankfully his arms were free, having just avoided getting them grabbed too. The borrower grimaced, trying to push apart the fingers surrounding him. But nothing budged, the strength of a human far surpassing him.

He looked up at the squinting human, trying to keep his voice even when he spoke. "Hey Sapnap! That's your name right? Look, I need you to loosen your grip!" Dream pleaded, pushing again against the hand.

Sapnap took a few seconds to understand the request, before his eyes widened in surprise. "Oh shit I'm sorry" he whispered, thankfully loosening his grip. He watched closely as the tiny person slumped in relief, breathing heavily.

Dream took a second to catch his breath, wondering how the hell he got in this situation to begin with. All he wanted to do was bring the potion over, never for Sapnap to grab him. His thoughts were interrupted by a whispered question from the human.

"How do you know my name?" Sapnap whispered, squinting again at the little person. He didn't remember introducing himself, even with how hazy his brain felt.

Dream looked up again, seeing how slow moving the human mind was right now. His gaze flickered up, spotting the trail of blood. It wasn't slowing down any, still a steady stream. He looked back at the human's eyes, mind working quickly to figure out how he could get him to drink the potion.

"I'm George's friend, and as his friend i can tell you he definitely would want you to drink that potion right there" Dream pointed to the red potion left on the ground.

Sapnaps eyes slowly followed where he pointed, narrowing his eyes at the potion before looking back at Dream suspiciously. "I don't think you are George's friend, I know all his friends. Which means you're a liar"

Dreams' eyes widened behind his mask, quickly shaking his head. "No no no, I'm a new friend. Like in the last week or so. He was going to introduce us soon!" he might have lied a bit with that one but who was there to tell.

Sapnap looked down at him suspiciously, trying to think of anything wrong with his claim. "I think George woulda mentioned being friends with a mouse man"

Dream sent him an offended look, forgetting his goal for a second. "Why does everyone keep saying that, I've got nothing to do with mice!" he caught himself, disregarding the offense for now. "That's not the point, I promise I'm his friend and I can tell you he would really want you to drink the potion:

Sapnap shook his head stubbornly, "no. I don't trust a liar" he glared at the little person in his hand, somehow still keeping his grip lax around the small body.

Dream growled in frustration, seeing the stream of blood not slowing down. "Sapnap drink the potion!" he yelled, glaring up at the stubborn human.

Sapnap jumped slightly, staring wide eyed down at the little, surprisingly intimidating, person. "Fine fine, no need to yell" he muttered, reaching for the potion with his free hand. "Someone woke up the wrong side of the mouse nest" he muttered.

Dream huffed in annoyance, letting the mouse comment slide for now. He watched as Sapnap held the potion close to his mouth, biting down on the cork. He pulled it away, hearing the pop as the cork came loosened. He spit it off to his right, grimacing at the small taste he got.

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