Shipping, Yay or Neigh...?

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Let's get one thing clear before we start off with what ya'll expected in this! 

I, Misty Shadows (yes that's my OC's name) am a hardcore shipper!!!

I think anyone who knows me to any degree, knows my love for shipping, and a certain best ship out there! If you are only finding me through this, well then you probably don't know how much I love shipping, and what my opinions on it are... Welp that's kinda the point of this book (but more so for me to rant on about either good or bad ships in my opinion :P) I'm not revealing my favorite just yet... (though if you just take one look at my profile, you'll know, but ya'll won't do that would ya o_o? Ruin the surprise?)

I love all sort of ships, be it F/F or F/M or M/M, I got no hate for that! After all, we're all free to be free! I have my favorites, my least favorites, ships I wish didn't exist, ships I wonder how I could live without, and so on! Suggestions for future ships are welcome, but cause I expect none, I have a whole ton planned out to start off with!

I absolutely adore shipping its one of the best things about this fandom... key words: one of!

I also do plan on including G5 shipping, so yea!

Shipping gets a 1009909 YAYS/10

 So now that ya'll know what the real purpose of this book is (for me to ramble on and on about best ship and more) 

Let's not waste any time and get to rambling! 

Let's not waste any time and get to rambling! 

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