FlutterDash... Yay or Neigh?

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Ok, so this is the next Ship if I'm going alphabetically, which I am so...

FlutterDash, a huge rival to the iconic (Best Ship) AppleDash. Let me start off with my bias kept aside, shall we?

Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash, gained popularity mainly due to their childhood/fillyhood friendship. From what we know, they've been friends since flight camp and they even seem quite close in the show itself. These two are what people like to say is an Opposites Attract kinda paring. Both have very contrasting likes and dislikes, which clash more often than not. From what I've seen of this ship, people see it as the helping hand kinda relationship. Shy can help bring out Dashie's sensitive, soft side, while Dash can help bring out Flutters' courageous, brave side. These two are apparently Yin Yang

I can only imagine that this ship got its starting in the episode Cutie Mark Chronicles, as that is when we first learn of their childhood together. Rainbow protecting Shy, like the best pony we all know she is, was their first encounter, and people like to speculate that they became closer after that and that's where their relationship rooted from.

According to all the stories I've read of the two, which, yes, is a lot more than two, they seem to have either love birds sort of relationship, a motherly relationship, at least from Shy's side, or a sisterly relationship. People have found ways of incorporating all this into their fics about FlutterDash. 

While most see these two as a couple, their are those who see these two as more of sisters than anything else...

.,,and coincidentally enough, I happen to be one of those people. 

(Yes we're entering the biased part of this)

These two just don't seem to fit when it comes to an actual relationship, they are more like sisters. That doesn't mean these two are anything bad in my opinion, in fact I can definitely see some appeal to this, childhood best friends turns out to be a whole lot more than just friends, but I just... no. My OTP being the rival ship of this, I don't particularly enjoy this that well. Not that I enjoy bashing this paring either! Its a cute, wholesome ship!

I'll tell you this much, this ship is one of the fluffiest and the most heartwarming to just look at! Their bright colors contrasting with one another! Its precious... not perfect, but precious!

Here, I'll prove prove my point!

See what I mean!! They look so precious together! It may not compare when AppleDash is in the room, but its definitely not one to hate either! I mean how can you with that adorableness on the line?!!!

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See what I mean!! They look so precious together! It may not compare when AppleDash is in the room, but its definitely not one to hate either! I mean how can you with that adorableness on the line?!!!

My ratings on this?

6 YAYS/10

4 less from hindered percent cause, its weird to see these two portrayed as more than sisters, as that is the extent of their relationship in my head. 


I'll see ya'll at my met one!


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