RariJack... Yay or Neigh?

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Here it is, the ship that's one of, if not the, strongest in the entire fandom. Sure we have FlutterDash or TwiDash or practically any other Dash ships, but this is iconic and unmissable.

Rarity and Applejack, are the most popular Opposites Attract ships out there, maybe matched by FlutterDash or TwiDash. These two probably got their start in the episode Look Before You Sleep. It is said that these two have the best chemistry when it comes to this sort paring. This ship has been praised over and over again, and people say it deserves all the love. 

What makes this ship sail, accordingly to the shippers, is that this paring, has the most amount of screen time, character development and interactions that aren't as toxic as the others. They work off of each other's differences and learn from one another. They help each other when ties get tough, and... yea that's about it. Not sure what else to say, at least things that haven't already been said a bijillion times.

I honestly don't know what else to say so let's get to the biased part of this thing..



Why do people ship this? I-I wanna know? Like legitimately, why is this such a popular ship?

Deep breathes Misty, calm yourself!

W-why is this a thing? People complain about how toxic AppleDash is, or whatever, but it's like no on sees that with this ship. 

I should probably explain myself shouldn't I? 

Well its not that you shouldn't ship these two. Sure you may be able to find something that connect these two and they maybe a perfect match in your head, but like, lemme despise this ship would ya?

These two have little to nothing in common, almost every paring has to have a common ground to settle at when things get tough, but like they don't seem to. I mean I legitimately cannot think of anything these two could bond over. In Look Before You Sleep, it took a massive disaster, or sorts, to get them to cooperate, if it weren't for that, they would have continued bickering like preschoolers. I've seen people throw shade at AppleDash for its toxicity, but no one seems to notice this one. 

Sure it's practically canon in EG, sort of the reason why I've stopped watching it all together, but that's not the point. Rollercoaster of Friendship basically canoned this ship. Even in that my point stands. Aj got jealous wayyy too quickly for anyone's good. Sure it was her accusation that got things fixed, and sure for those who say that, I'll come back with this. The whole problem was Aj's over whelming jealousy and like in Look Before You Sleep, the issue got solved because the lives of all her friends, family and the entire world was on the line. I bet if that wasn't the case, Aj and Rarity wouldn't have made up.

Besides Rarity hasn't been able to keep her eyes on the same guy since the show began so what makes you so sure she'd be able to with Aj?

I'll say this, my hatred towards this started out cause I didn't appreciate the love of RariJack over AppleDash but the more I looked into it, I personally do not find it appealing. 

People forget that Aj and Dash always solve their issue without the lives of their friend or the world on the line. Sure they've had their disagreement and even during crisisies but they resolve it without risking anyone's life in the process. Sure their first fight may have endangered themselves but no one else, they even paid for their misdoings my rerunning then entire thing again. In Look Before You Sleep, we don't even know if Twilight's treehouse was fixed by the two or not.

Besides, I only see Aj with one Pone, and we all know who that is, so cause of my bias on AppleDash, and all this stuff, my rating for these two are...

96969696969696969696969696 NEIGHS/10

Yes I skipped the fluff part of this, as it would be more torture for me to look for their pics, not anything fluff related.

Now I got no hate to shippers of this ship, y'all are welcome anytime on here, I just don't see what y'all see in this ship, is all. I haven't gone around shaming any who despises AppleDash, cause y'all got your opinions and I got my opinions. Just don't try changing my mind, trust me, I've tried, that only ended with me going on any art page and looking up AppleDash for the next three ours, straight. 

Now, I'll lieave ya ta yer day!


PS. In the pic above, we all know who Aj would pick, now don't we? She'd pick Dash, she picked Dash over Ratity.

How Misty works with Shipping!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora