TwiShy... Yay or Neigh?

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Ok, so I really don't have a proper opinion on this. I was only looking through main six ships, and this one just happened pop up, so like a few others, this one's a bit... unbiased, I suppose.

Twilie and Shy. They are two ponies. They exist in the same universe as the other. They are good friends. They have shown great friendship toward one another. 


That's it. That's all I see. I am not joking, I don't know what to say for these two. I mean TwiShy, it exists, that in itself was beyond me for... far longer than I think it should have been. I just don't see 'em. Sorry to be a negative Nancy here, again, but I just don't know what to like about this.

That being said, I don't despise this either, it's not like they were toxic to each other or anything. They never really had a bad relationship as friends, from what I've seen. But if I were to pick a side, I'd have to go with the negative one, I'm sorry. The one episode, of the top of my head, I can think of these two actually sharing, is the 'the Hooffeilds and the Macolts'

(I think that's the name)

And they weren't really working perfectly together, (which if they were, would be really boring) and they were also not getting into many fights that seemed to suggest them being more than friends. They had no moments where I was like 'oooh!' at my screen. Again, with that being said, I wasn't shouting at my screen, saying; 'why!?' either... so I suppose it's a mixed bag.

I guess that's sort of gives my rating away, but as per usual; Fluff?

I guess that's sort of gives my rating away, but as per usual; Fluff?

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My opinion has not changed after looking through pics for these two, they still are the most meh ship in the six, in y head.

I see Twi with Dash or one other character and I see Shy with Pinkie or Rarity or even Discord, but I don't see them with each other.

My ratings:

5 Yays/10

Now, if you like 'em, feel free to mention why you do in the comments below. I a mess very open to seeing how this might work.

That's it from me Folks! 


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