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It's morning, and the doorbell rings. Matthew opens the door. Paige: Hey. Matthew: Hey. Paige: Do you remember me? Matthew: yes, it was you who talked with Beth, at the clothing store. Paige: Yes, it's me, is Beth and Paul here? Matthew: yes they are here, come in. Beth comes, she sees Paige has come, she came because she wants to talk to them. Beth: Hey Paige, why are you here? Paige: I've come to talk with you and Paul and the boy. Matthew: My name is Matthew. they all go together into the living room to talk. Paul: what is this all about? Paige: this is about Matthew. Beth: is there something wrong? Paige: Yes, there is, Matthew, can we talk alone. Matthew: okay. they sit in the living room and talk. Paige: Do you have a family? Matthew: no. Paige: Where do you live? Matthew: I don't really have a home. Paige: But you live here? Matthew: No, Beth is just letting me stay here until she knows what to do with me, she wants to help me. Paige: That's sweet of her, but she is letting you stay here. Matthew: Yes, she wants to find a home to me. Paige: but she is a home school teacher, she can't find a home to you. Matthew: What are you talking about? Paige: my job is to find homes for people who don't have a home or a place to stay. Matthew: Beth has never said that to me, i can't believe her, Beth lied to me. Paige: did she? Matthew: yes. Beth and Paul comes into the living room to talk to Paige and Matthew. Beth: What's the problem? Paige: Beth, you're letting Matthew live here, but you can't find a home to him, you should have come to me or my job and have said something about him. Beth: Yes, I'm sorry about that. Paige: I don't know if I can afford if he can still live here with you and Paul. Beth: What? Paige: one day in the next few months, will you and Paul be contacted by my work, but now I must return to my work. Matthew is mad. Matthew: You lied to me. Beth: I'm sorry. Matthew: You told me that you want to help me. Beth: but I want to help you. Matthew: and you told me that I could stay here for a while, you said that you want to find a home to me, but that was a lie, I can't forgive you for this, I can go back and stay on the street again, i can't trust you, i gotta go. Beth: No, Matthew, stay here. Matthew: Leave me alone. Matthew goes outside, he is very angry, he goes to the street where Beth found him. out on the street, he get's knocked down by some other boys from the street. Now he lays on the street, he is hurt, and he cries for help. Matthew: Help me.

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