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It's morning, and Matthew has just woken up, he goes into the kitchen. Beth: Matthew, Jackie, we gotta talk. Matthew: About what? Paul: It's about the baby. Matthew: Okay. Beth: After I give birth to the baby, will one of you have to share a room with it. Jackie: Is it a girl or a boy? Paul: We don't know yet. Beth: And we also expect that you two want to help us, with the baby. Matthew: Of course I want to help you with the baby. Jackie: Me too. Beth: Thanks, it makes me so happy. Matthew: I will always help you. Beth: Thanks. Paul: We'd better get to the school, Matthew and Jackie. Matthew: Yeah. At the school: Matthew: Come with me Jackie, I'll show you the school. Jackie: Thank you. James and Susana goes to Matthew and Jackie. Susana: Hey, who is that? Matthew: It's Jackie, she's staying with my family. Jackie: Hey, who are you? Susana: My name is Susana, and this is my brother James. James: Hey. Jackie: How old are you? James: I'm 17 years old, and Susana is 15 years. Jackie: I'm only 11 years. James: You are very young. Jackie: Yes, I am. Matthew looks at Susana, and she looks back at him. James goes into the toilet, Matthew wonders why James suddenly does that. Matthew: Jackie, wait here, I need to sort something out. Jackie: Okay. Matthew goes into the toilet, and sees that James is smoking. Matthew: James, do you smoke? James: Yes, I do. Matthew: Why? James: Because I like it. Matthew: But I think it's wrong and I don't understand why you do it. Matthew is angry at James and goes out to wait for Beth, along with Jackie. Beth comes to pick up Matthew and Jackie. they drive home. in the car: Matthew is very mad. Beth: Matthew, is there something wrong? Matthew: No, I'm just angry. Beth: it is something you want to talk with us about when we get home? Matthew: Yes. Beth: Okay. They are finally home. At home: they sit all together in the kitchen. Paul: What's wrong? Matthew: It's about a person from the school. Beth: Tell us about it, maybe we can help. Matthew: I saw one of my friends on the toilet, standing and smoking. Paul: Who did it? Matthew: It was James, I told him that it's stupid to smoke, but he didn't listen to me, he needs help. Paul: You need to talk with him. Matthew: Yeah, i know.

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