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At school: Matthew sees Susana and goes to her. Susana: Matthew, we need to talk. Matthew: About what? Susana: I want to tell you something. Matthew: What? Susana: It's a bit hard to say. Matthew: Try to say it. Susana: I really like you. Matthew: That's good, me too, but I don't know what to do. Susana: I understand, but now you know how i feel about you. Matthew: Yes, now i know, and i'm sorry. Susana: I understand. Later: At home: They eat dinner. Matthew is very quiet, and Jackie would like to know if she is staying with Paul and Beth. Paul: What's wrong? Matthew: It's Susana, she told me that she likes me. Paul: That's not wrong to say that. Matthew: i know, but i've never had a girlfriend before, i don't know what to do. Beth: Just be yourself, do you like Susana? Matthew: Yes, I like her, I just don't know how to be lovers. Beth: You'll learn it. Matthew: Thanks, mom. Paul: The social workers are coming tomorrow, to talk with us. Jackie: That's good. Beth: I hope not that you will be disappointed with our decision tomorrow. Jackie: I hope that I will be happy. Next day: The social workers are coming to talk with Paul and Beth, about Jackie. Josh: How is it going with Jackie? Beth: it goes well with Jackie. Paige: Have you and Beth made a decision on what to do with Jackie? Paul: Yes, we have. Josh: So what have you decided to? Paul: Jackie really likes to be here, if we have to tell you, she's also gonna hear it. Paige: Okay. Beth goes into Jackie, to say that they want to talk with her. in the living room: Beth: me and Paul would like to keep you here, you're family. Paul: Yes, and we want to adopt you. Jackie is happy. Jackie: I'm happy. They sign the papers, and Jackie is finally adopted by Paul and Beth. Paige and Josh goes back to their work. Jackie goes into Matthew to tell him the good news. Jackie: Matthew, something good just happened. Matthew: What happened? Jackie: Your parents just adopted me. Matthew: That's great, I'm happy. Jackie: Me too. Matthew: You're my sister now. Jackie: Yes i am, and you're my brother. Matthew and Jackie goes into the kitchen to their parents. Beth: Matthew, Jackie, we're going out to eat, and to celebrate that we have finally adopted Jackie. Paul: we should also celebrate the fact that we have three wonderful children. Beth: Yes, we have the kids we need. They all give each other a hug, and then they go out to eat.

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