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It's morning and the vacation is over. At the school: Matthew sees Paris and goes over to her, to talk with her. Matthew: Hey. Paris: Hey. Matthew: I need to talk with you. Paris: Okay. Matthew: Listen, I won't hurt you, but I gotta be honest with you. Paris: That's good. Matthew: I like you, but i can't be with you, because i like you and Susana. Paris: You have to make a choice, all i want for you, is that you're happy. Matthew: Thanks, can we hang out together later? Paris: Yeah. Matthew goes over to Susana. Susana: Hey. Matthew: Hey, do you have time to talk? Susana: Yeah. Matthew: I want to ask you, if you still like me? Susana: Yeah, I like you. Matthew: That's great. Susana begins to cry. Matthew: Don't cry, come here. Matthew comforts Susana, and he gives her a hug. Matthew: I'm here for you, I'm always here for you, but i like Paris too, it's really hard for me to make the right choice. Susana: I understand, you can't be with me or with her, at the moment. Matthew: Yeah, i'm sorry. Susana: It's okay. Later: On the way out from the school: Matthew and Paris are talking. Paris: Do you have time to hang out with me now? Matthew: Yeah, we are friends, and i like you. Paris: I like you too, but what about Susana? Matthew: I like her too, but she can't find out that we're hanging out together. Paris: Okay. Later: At home: Matthew and Paris have just come home from school. Beth: Hey, Paris. Paris: Hey, Beth. Beth: Matthew, why are you so happy? Matthew: Because me and Paris, we are friends Beth: That's good. Paul goes over to them. Paul: Where are you two going? Matthew: I just need to get something in my room. Paul: Okay. Matthew: It's important. Paul: Okay, if you say so.

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