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It's morning, the Bright family are sitting in the kitchen. Beth: Matthew, you need to watch your little brother today. Matthew: Okay. Paul: When we're coming home, we have to talk, you, me and your mother. Matthew: Okay. Jackie: I'm ready to go. Beth and Paul drives Jackie to her school. Beth and Paul have to talk with Jackie's teacher. Matthew goes over to Andrew, he plays with his toys in the living room. Matthew: Hey, how are you in the kindergarten? Andrew: Fine, why? Matthew: I never went to kindergarten. Andrew: Why? Matthew: Because I'm not as lucky as you are. Andrew: Okay. Matthew: I miss Paris. Suddenly the doorbell rings, Matthew opens the door. Matthew: Paris. Paris: Hey, I miss you, I had to see you. Matthew: Come in, my parents aren't home, and I fit my little brother, because the kindergarten is closed today. Andrew: Hey. Paris: Hey, he's cute. Matthew: Yeah, but he can be annoying, but he is a good brother. Paris: I better go back home, but I miss you. Matthew: I miss you too, text me. Paris: Okay. Paris goes home.

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