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Some of the people have seen the car crash, they have called for some rescue people. They are looking in the car, if someone is in the car. One of rescue people, finds Matthew, he is wounded in his car. they get him out of his car. The rescue people carry Matthew out of his car, and call for an ambulance. The ambulance comes, to drive him to the hospital. At home: the hospital calls Beth and Paul. Beth: It's Beth. Doctor: It's the doctor. Beth: The doctor, what's wrong? Doctor: Your son Matthew, has been in a car accident. Beth: Oh no, is he okay? Doctor: We don't know. Beth: Thanks because you told me. Paul: Beth, what's wrong? Beth: It's Matthew, a car accident, he is in the hospital. Paul: We're going to the hospital now, everybody. Paul, Beth, Jackie and Andrew drives to the hospital. At the hospital: Beth and Paul are talking with a doctor. Beth: Where is my son? Paul: Is our son okay? Doctor: I don't know, but he has many wounds after the car accident. Beth: Can we see him? Doctor: Sure, he is in there. Paul: Thanks. They go into him. Beth goes over to Matthew, she takes his hand and holding his hand, she begins to cry. Beth: Matthew, it's me, it's mom. He lays quiet. Jackie: Is he gonna be okay? Paul: We don't know, but we hope that he is gonna be okay. Jackie cries, Paul comforts her. Jackie is calling Susana, to tell her the bad news. Susana: It's Susana. Jackie: It's Jackie. Susana: What's wrong? Jackie: It's about Matthew, there has been a car accident, he is in the hospital. Susana: Is he okay? Jackie: I don't know, but he is injured. Susana: I'm sorry to hear that. After a few days: Matthew is not woken up yet, he is still at the hospital, his mom is holding his hand. Beth: Matthew, my son, i love you so much. Suddenly Matthew wakes up slowly, he opens his eyes slowly. Matthew: Mom. Beth: I'm here. He coughs a little. Beth: He is awake. Paul: Hey. Matthew: Dad. Beth: Are you okay? The doctor comes in, to see if Matthew is okay. Doctor: You're awake. Matthew: Yeah. Suddenly is Matthew thinking about the car and that he suddenly got it bad in the car. Matthew starts crying and goes in panic about it. Beth: What's wrong? Paul: He's in a panic. Doctor: Breathe, quietly, calm down. Matthew becomes more calm. Doctor: I have to ask you some questions. Matthew: Okay. Matthew is coughing a little. Beth and Paul goes out to wait, while the doctor is asking Matthew questions.

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