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Beth: Jackie, do you know where Matthew is? Jackie: No, I don't know. Paul: I think that he is driven away? Beth: How could this happen? Paul: I don't know. Beth: He is driven away. Beth and Paul are sad. Jackie: I'm sure that Matthew is okay. Paul: Did he said anything to you before he drove away? Jackie: No, he was very quiet, and he seemed sad. Beth: Where can he be? Jackie: But maybe I know why he was driving away. Beth: Why? Jackie: We all were disappointed in him, I'm sure that's why. Beth: Yeah, but I hope he's okay. Paul: He'll come home again. Beth: When? Paul: I don't know. Beth: His mobile is off. Matthew is somewhere in his car, he is driving around the city. Matthew stops his car and turn on his mobile, he'll call Jackie. Jackie takes her mobile. Jackie: Yes. Matthew: Hey, it's me. Jackie: Matthew, where are you? Matthew: It doesn't matter where I am. Jackie: We're worried about you. Matthew: I'm okay, are they looking for me? Jackie: No, we are waiting for you to come home. Matthew: I don't know if i want to come home. Jackie: Come home again. Matthew turns off his mobile again. Beth: Who's was that? Jackie: I'm not sure if I should tell it to you. Beth: it was Matthew? Jackie: Yes, he called me. Paul: Is he coming home? Jackie: I don't know if he does. Beth: I miss him already, and i hope that he wants to come home again soon.

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