Chapter 15

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Tommy was wandering around the farm, his child in his hand. "So, what do you want to do, Hetta?" he asked the chick.The chick just looked up at him, probably thinking, 'why the fuck is this child talking to me? I'm a chicken.' But Tommy begs to differ.

"Oh! I know! We can go to that meadow near here and pick some flowers!" Tommy exclaimed, running towards the house. "Dad! Hetta and I are going to the meadow!" he announced.

"Alright! Don't stray too far! Be back before the sun starts setting!" Phil yelled after him.

"Will do!" Tommy rushed out of the house, nearly tripping over his united shoelaces, as he made his way to the meadow. When he reached the wide grassy field he was met with colorful flowers everywhere. "C'mon, Hetta," he said, "let's see who can pick more flowers." He set the chick down—which immediately went running.

"Ah!" Tommy let out a distressed yelp as he chased around for the chick. He'll admit, that wasn't his brightest idea. Tommy was getting worried that he'll never catch up with his child when it suddenly stopped to wrap its beak around the stem of a flower.

Tommy let out a laugh, "You can't beat me!" he declared before running off to pick his own flowers. He'd look back at Hetta every now and then, making sure she doesn't have more flowers than him then get back to choosing flowers.

Tommy let out a sigh as he finished picking out his flowers when something brown caught his eye. "Hello?" he called out.

A boy—around his age (7)—popped out of the taller grass by the edge of the meadow, "Hi!" he called back before popping down, hiding once more.

Tommy tilted his head before approaching. He found the boy crouched down, "Hey—" he cut himself off with a yelp and an 'oof' as he fell on the ground when the boy suddenly sprung up.

"Hi," the boy said once again. "It's Tubbo"

"Pretty weird name, big man," Tommy said.

Tubbo laughed, "You should hear my full name," he said. He glanced down at Tommy's hands, "What's with the flowers?"

"Oh...I'm making flower crowns." Tommy pointed across the meadow, "That's my child Hetta, they're helping me pick flowers."

Tubbo nodded in understanding, "Those are shitty looking flowers," he pointed out.

Tommy looked down. His flowers aren't very pretty. He was sure they just started wilting. "I don't wanna pick out the baby flowers," he reasoned. "These ones are old, like my dad, so it's okay. Old people don't like standing anyway."

"Standing?" Tubbo furrowed his eyebrows.

Tommy gestured to the ground, "All the other flowers have their feet to the ground. Once I turn them into flower crowns it'll be like they're laying down!"

"Oh!" Tubbo exclaimed, "I'll help!"

"Do you know how to make flower crowns?" Tommy raised an eyebrow at him.


The two of them spent the next fifteen or so minutes trying to get Tubbo to make a decent looking flower crown. The amount of flowers they had started dwindling after the boy's 2nd attempt, but Hetta came to deliver.

"Woah! That's actually a good one," Tommy said, hand reaching for the flower crown Tubbo made. Tubbo gave it to Tommy and the blond started inspecting it. "Yeah, this looks great!" He put it on his head, "We're friends now," he declared before putting the one he made on top of Tubbo's head, which made the other giggle.

"All I have to do now is to make one for my dad and brothers," Tommy said as he reached for another flower to begin with.

Tubbo hummed, "Your family...they're trying you know?"

Tommy perked up, "What?"

Tubbo shook his head, "I'll try to do more!"

The two of them spent their entire time at the meadow making crowns and talking, most of which are ramblings from Tommy. "You know," Tubbo started, "please wake up."

Tommy stiffened, he let out a forced laugh, "That's kinda random Tubs. I don't think the flowers can wake up. They don't have eyes!"

Tubbo looked at the flowers closely, "Oh yeah! Then what are these circle thingies?" he asked, pointing to the middle of the flower.

"No clue, do I look like I do homework?"

"Not at all."


"Who even does homework anyway?" Tubbo sighed, lying down.

"My brother does," Tommy said.

"Which one?"

"The one who fucked a fish once," Tommys said, "I don't know what that means, but that's what he said."

"Oh! What's the fish's name?" Tubbo asked, "I live by the sea, I might know them."

"Umm...hmmm," Tommy tried to recall the name, "Sally!"

"Oh! I know Sally!" Tubbo said, "She lives pretty far huh?"

"Really? I didn't know that," Tommy said, focusing on twisting the flower's stem.

Tubbo nodded, "Yeah, it's been 7 days."

"7 days?" 3 left. Tommy thought before shaking his head. "That's a lie," Tommy claimed, "Wilbur said she lived here, nearby, and she wasn't gonna move away," he said , letting out a childish giggle.

He looked down at the flower in his palm, before curling his fingers around it, crushing it. "Sally doesn't like what's waiting for her at the sea, so she's staying here forever."


To be honest, Tubbo wasn't expecting for Tommy to wake up even after he'd talk to his sleeping form. Not really.

Tubbo stared at Tommy's slowly rising chest, ears focusing on the beeping heart monitor and the subtle drip of liquid from the IV.

He's known him for years ever since his family moved to the city. He knows how much the issue with his family affected him. It's been barely 2 days since they made up, that isn't gonna cut it for the years Tommy had to endure.

Still, Tubbo couldn't help but hope. Maybe, just maybe he'd hear him and see reason.

Tubbo could only wish that he wasn't planning anything drastic.


Tommy soon separated from Tubbo and got home, Hetta in his arms, while all the flower crowns were on his head. "Here you go," he said, tilting his head down a bit, gesturing for Techno to take one. Then Wilbur, and finally Phil. Once all the crowns were distributed, he headed to his bedroom, letting Hetta down on the floor.

Tommy looked out his window. The sun has started to set. He removed the flower crown and stared at it before setting it down.



Sorry, no Ranboo this chapter. He'll come in another time though :D

Also, just to be clear for those who haven't realize yet. Italicized or bold dialogue within Tommy's dream are voices that's coming from the real world. These could influence the dreams as Dream mentioned in past chapters. Just putting this out here :)

Thank you for reading! Comments and suggestions are appreciated.

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