Chapter 12

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A few months after Chris got scared, we were doing well. I let myself into his house to surprise him and I hear him playing the piano. I hadn't heard him play yet. I followed the music to the sitting room where the piano was where he was sitting on the bench, playing with a girl on the bench next to him. I stood, watching them with my arms crossed. As he finished the song I saw his hand on her thigh and she was whispering something in his ear.

"Kate. What are you doing here?"

I heard Scott walk up behind me as I saw Chris and the girl jump. I didn't say anything as Chris stood up from the piano.

"Kat. You didn't say you were coming over."

I shrugged, looking at the girl, "we've been dating for a while, we always just let ourselves in to each other's places. I came to see if you wanted to go miniature golfing with me at a glow in the dark course. But I can see you're already busy."

Scott grabbed her arm, "Kate."

I shook my head, "it's fine. I shouldn't have just showed up. I'll let myself out." I heard Chris follow me as I walked to the front door.

"Kat. Wait."

I sighed, looking back at him from the door, "it's fine. I realize we never really discussed the exclusivity of our relationship. I wanted to sleep over, but I should have called first. I won't just show up anymore."

He shook his head, "she's just a friend."

I laughed, "right. You know you've never played for me. And you don't touch women's thighs like that who are just friends." I shook my head, "it's really fine. I'm just going to go home."

He sighed, "don't you think you're being a little dramatic Kat? I mean we haven't even had sex yet for you to be so clingy."

I scoffed, "wow. Well looks like I don't have to now. You're already taken care of. Goodbye Chris." I left the house, slamming the door behind me.


I rested my head on the front door, "fuck."

"Are you an idiot? Go after her Chris."

I looked at my brother who was just standing with his arms crossed down the hall. I opened the front door, "Kat. Wait!"

She turned back to face him tears streaking down her cheeks, "what?"

"I'm sorry."

She shook her head, "no. It's fine. Really. Just go back to her."

I groaned, watching her get into her car before I could say anything. "Fuck!" I went back into the house to see Scott watching me.

"Why did you let her go?"

I shook my head, "probably for the best anyways."

Scott scoffed, "how many times are you going to do this?"

"Do what?"

"Lead her on and then push her away?" He motioned to the sitting room, "why are you in there flirting with Jaime to begin with?"

I shook my head, "I don't know!" I went into my room, plopping on the bed, staring at the ceiling. I tried to call Kate a few times to no response.


I didn't hear from Kate for the following week. She ignored all my calls and messages. Every time I showed up to her house she wasn't there. I sat in the waiting room to see Dr. Tompkins, knowing I'd see her come out. When I heard the door open, I stood up only to see some guy coming out of the office. Where was my Kat?


I entered the office, "where is Kate?"

Dr. Tompkins sighed, motioning for him to sit, "sit down Chris."

I nodded, sitting on the couch, "where is Kate?"

She shook her head, "she changed her time and day. I can't tell you."

"What? Why?" I groaned, already knowing the answer. The answer was me; she changed it so she didn't have to see me.

"Why don't you tell me what's going on Chris?"

I shook my head, "if you've already seen her then you already know."

She sighed, "I want to hear from you Chris."

"Do I have to? You already know."

"You need to be able to talk about it out loud Chris. What's happening?"

I groaned, "she thought something was going on that wasn't."

"And... what did she think was going on?"

"I had my brother and a friend of ours over. And Kate showed up unannounced and might have seen me flirting with the girl. And then I might have been an ass and dug myself deeper because why not. It's what I do."

Dr. Tompkins nodded, "what did you say?"

I shook my head, "I told her she was being clingy considering we hadn't had sex yet."

"And are you sleeping with this other girl?"

"No! I haven't slept with anyone since I started dating Kate."

She shook her head, "then why couldn't you just tell her that."

I shrugged, "because I was flirting with her knowing full well she wanted to sleep with me." I groaned, resting my head in my hands, "I'm an ass. And I can't get in touch with Kate. She even fucking changed her time so she didn't have to see me."

She sighed, "maybe she just needs some time. She needs to know you're serious and not going to run away or sabotage the relationship constantly. Did you want to sleep with this other girl?"

I sighed, "no. Of course I didn't. I only want to be with Kat."

"Then tell her that. And stop running away Chris. You have to trust someone with your heart."


I looked up from the couch when I heard the front door open, "hey. How was work?"

Levi smiled, "it was fine. Chris came to see you again tonight. Are you not going to talk to him?"

I sighed, "I will when I'm ready. Thanks for letting me stay here Levi. He can't find me here."

"You're welcome here anytime you want Kate. You know that. But I think you should stop running from how you feel."

I sighed again, knowing he was right. I just couldn't bring myself to face Chris. Not now.

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