One Father, Five Kids, And One Restricted Mother... Eek!

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Chapter Thirty-Seven... One Father, Five Kids, And One Restricted Mother... Eek!



People seem to take for granted just how lucky they are. They don't realise that when they're down or injured and are out of action, the impact that this sort of thing can have on the ones around them. That when they can do things for themselves, they're not interfering the lives of those they live with. So when you're unable to fend for yourself...

It can turn what was once a smoothly running, perfect household on its head.

In the aftermath after my accident, I was told to take it easy. I could hardly move when I went home, unable to walk on my own, but unable to use crutches due to my wrist and rib fractures. I was bruised and battered, my war wounds as I had come to call them. When it came to human vs car, the car always won. Lucky for me, I had come off pretty good considering. But I was still unable to fend for myself.

Cameron picked me up the afternoon of the day I was discharged from hospital. Nathan had insisted to check on me that night, and I reluctantly allowed him to. Although he was my concerned brother, he was also a doctor, and saying I was fine when I really wasn't was something he saw right through. Doctors...

I had been given a wheelchair, which I detested. I hated being so immobile! Cameron had moved our bed into the toy room downstairs, along with the kids' beds. When I arrived home, Zane and Lily were both sound asleep, Addy had taken to giving one of Becca's barbie dolls a haircut, and Becca was angrily screaming at her and crying. Ethan was wide awake, in mom's arms, being fed.

"Rose!" mom said excitedly as I was wheeled in the door. "You're home!"

"Hey, mom," I smiled weakly.

"Mommy!" Becca squealed, running up to me. "Mommy, Addy cut my barbie's hair! And it won't go back on!"

"Mom?" I asked, looking at her. "Why was Addy allowed near a pair of scissors?"

"They were on the kitchen bench," mom sighed. "She must have climbed up to get them."

"Weren't you watching her?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, I was," mom said weakly. "But then Ethan started crying, and I tended to him and heard Becca start shouting. I turned to see Addison with the scissors in her hands, and Becca was crying. And I took the scissors from Addy and then you arrived home."

Mom had just rambled off a whole lot in a rush.

"Uh... okay," I said simply, looking away. "In any case... I'm glad to be home. Very. And..."

"You're going straight to bed," Cameron said sternly.

"I... yeah," I frowned. "Eight weeks of... nothing. I'm gonna go insane, I know it..."

"Cheer up, mom," Becca smiled weakly.

"Have you finished fighting with your sister?" I asked her.

"Yes," Becca replied.

"Okay, well go and play nice," I said, and Becca ran away quickly.

"They only fight for a few minutes," mom said wearily. "In any case, the triplets are fed, changed and Ethan's awake but the other two are out. Addy and Becca need to be bathed but I'm outta here. I need a break from kids..."

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