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'Today is the last day!' I told myself over and over as I stared up at the giant building in front of me. You see, today is a world meeting and I, as the representation of the country of (c/n), am requested to attend. Well, it's not like they'll notice it anyway. The same goes for my friend, Canada. He seems to have the same problem as me, but...he at least gets sometimes remembered...It's kind of sad, I know, but that's just how it is. Ah, I didn't even introduce myself, did I? My name is (c/n) or (f/n) (l/n). My current human age is 7 years, but my actual age is...I kind of forgot. If I am a countries and not a micro-nation, then why is my human appearance that of a 7-year old, you may ask? Well, my country hasn't developed very well, and the not-noticing-thing is not much helping. And why is today the 'last day'? Well, since my country hasn't developed very well, I'm going to give my country away, wich also means I will die. You see, when a representation of a country looses their country they die, and when a representation decides on their own to give their country up, they result in killing themselves. Or, in some lucky cases, they get to live the life of a normal human. I have been thinking about this for about 1oo years now, and finally made my decision, but I'm not sure in whom to give it to. I thought to give it to Canada, but he has too much to handle on his own, I can't bother him more, by giving him my country. So I'm going to observe the countries today. Well, here goes nothing!

As I entered the building I could already hear the yells from the conference room. Looks like someone insulted Britain's 'imaginary friends' again. Most likely America, though he can see them too, or at least so said Canada. I walk slowly to the conference room, to think a bit on whom to give it.' My country is in the north, so it would be better to give it to a nordic country.Execluding Canada, of course. That means only Iceland, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, and Russia are left. I don't exactly want to give it to Russia, though. It's not that I'm scared of him or that I hate him, but since he also is the largest country, he also must have lots of stuff to do. Finland and Sweden are taking care of Sealand, so I shouldn't bother them too. Iceland has some'--"Off!" I suddenly fell to the ground. As I looked up I saw how Sealand only looked around, to see in what he bumped. I stood up and continued my way to my...seat. It wasn't a real seat like all the other countries and micro-nations had, it just only was a stool. Nothing fancy. Just plain wood to sit on. I slowly looked around to find the representations I'll have to observe. AS I looked around I saw how England, America and France are arguing as usual. Greece just sleeps while petting a cat. I'll never understand how he manages to get a cat in here or even how he does that. I only sigh at sight and continue my search for the three nations. Veneziano and Romano are-- how did they set up a whole kitchen in here just to make pasta? Huh, guess Germany's sick today, which also means that Switzerland and Liechtenstein are staying home, because it could be to dangerous for her. Japan is trying his best not to face palm. Hungary is trying to kill Prussia with her frying pan again. Russia's bullying Latvia again and Belarus is stalking him. Guess not to much out of the ordinary. I looked for a bit longer- "aha, found them! " I muttered to myself. Norway is choking Denmark again while bothering Iceland about his promise. Yeah, nothing to much out of the ordinary. When- finally - the meeting started, I searched around my pockets to find the letter I had prepared. Yes, you read right, a letter. I could approach them, but I don't think they'll notice me though. I guess I'll decide to give my country to Denmark. Then one who actually found and colonized it. I was already alive by the time, because some natives lived there, but I was just a 3-year old, thanks to him I at least grew to the human appearance of a 7-year old. Sadly his people died during a strong blizzard. So I could kind of say, he's like a big brother to me. I grabbed a pen from my other pocket and wrote his name one the letter. Now the letter read:

Dear Denmark,

I am sorry to bother you with my problems, but I failed at my job as the representation of (c/n). So I am giving you my country and make you the new representation of it, in hopes that you can help my people to grow and that the country will grow into a beautiful one. It will be hard, since the people that live there, rely on the nature and know nothing of mobile phones and internet. If you do not want to accept my request I am completely alright with. Please tell me your decision; I'll be waiting outside the conference room.

Yours truly,


I pressed the letter against my chest. I'm nervous. I silently stood up and walked quietly over to his seat. As I stood next to him, he shortly looked around, as if he feeled my presence, but he overlooked me. I slid the letter on his desk, when he wasn't looking and left the conference room. Now only time will tell the answer. I slowly slid on the ground and looked at my arms. I was actually wearing a hoodie, but it got all torn after I managed to fall out of a window in the third floor. And I don't have any money to buy a new one. Stupid blizzards. These were the only scars I ever had. I never fought any wars. My country was discovered, but since it was so cold, nobody could really colonize it. The most died during the strong blizzards. I also never cutted. I may be depressed, but that doesn't mean I have to cut, it doesn't help the pain, especially as an immortal. I suddenly heard some ruckus inside the conference room and some feet walking towards the door. And as the door opened I came face to face with...

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