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(2p!c/n) POV

"Go away asshole! I'm not awake yet, you're just imagining that!" I yell, clearly lying, but goddamn do I not want to deal with his flamboyant ass right now.
Yes, you guessed right.
The one and only Flavio is standing at the door right know. And goddamn do I hate his guts.
"Are you still pissed about me saying that I am more fabolous than you and then pointing out every flaw of yours, which, by the way, are still there?" I can feel his fake smile. 'Fucking fake bitch. I hope all your clothes get burned- oh wait, I just need some matches now.'
"No!" I lie, hopefully convincingly. "Don't lie, hun, it's not good for you, especially here~"
Like I said: Fuck. My. Life.
He is like what? Five minutes here and I already want to murder the shit out of him. Sucks that his brother, for some odd reason, honestly they seem to hate each others guts, will murder me three times worse. So the only option I have right now is to glare daggers coated in poison at him and hope that he better leaves soon.
"Oh how your gaze wounds me!"

'Great now that little shitstain is being sarcastic-'

"Anyways, what's your name now? Heard you actually got one. Also I can't keep calling you ragazza."

"Why the fuck do you care?"

"I don't. Luci does." I snort at this. Since when does this arrogant ass care about anyone but himself? As far as I am concerned: never. "Don't laugh ragazza. It's true." I can't help the sarcastic chuckle- okay, giggle- but really? His royal pain in the ass? That bastard that can't be bothered to tie his own shoe laces? Caring- caring- about something from someone other than him? The fuck.
"Are you sure your brother's not sick or something?" I giggle. Now it's his turn to glare at me. "Believe it or not, he is actually capable of caring- surprise right?- but why do you think I'm not dead yet?" Shit. He made a good point. I honestly don't know how Luciano can deal with him. Or even live with him. It still surprises all of us 2ps. 'Caring' is not exactly something we are known for.
But that doesn't we aren't capable of it...


I turn a bit left, pout and mumble,"It's (2p!c/n)..."

"(2p!c/n)? It actually kind of fits you." I ignore him. Don't need his fake compliments. Or his sass. Screw him.

Readers POV

Surprisingly only small arguments happen between the guys, something you can easily forgive and forget. Also even more surprising, Lucia- Luc- Ahh fuck it- Luci has a base somewhere near here. According to Bernard it's to spy on them and us. Well everyone needs a hobby.
'I wonder how she is?...Hopefully she hasn't done anything stupid.
  But am I even capable of saving her? Yes, I have a lot of great backup, but I...That time she has done most of the fighting, not me, but I still know how to use weapons..' I softly, carefully slide my hand over one of my handguns. 'Will I be able to shoot accurately though? Probably not, it's been to long, since I actually held a gun. I just don't want to be useless.'

I stop. There it was again. This word. I know now that (2p!c/n) has been calling me that so that I don't grow an ego, but maybe she was actually right?

Denmarks POV

Acting like a viking again has been feeling really refreshing. Being wild, and seeing Norge and Sve actually emoting a bit more than usual. I chuckle at the shocked look Ice sent us when we left. It was hilarious. But he was just a small nation when we were vikings, so he doesn't really remember Norge acting like this. 'Ahh, what a fun time that was. I kinda miss them.'

I notice that (c/n) has stopped. Her brows are scrunched up together. 'She must be thinking, but what?' While the others proceed, not noticing her of course, she just stands there, ignoring the world around her. Walking over to her and gently shaking her shoulder I whisper "Earth to (c/n)? (c/n) are you there?" No response. She certainly is deep in thought. Forbandet! Because the others are way to far ahead I decide to drop my axe, pick her up and pick my axe up again. She doesn't snap out of her thoughts. I sigh at this. 'Let's try something else then..' Turning around and quickly catching up with our group, I try the 'new' method. "(Y/n)! Hey (y/n)! Wake up!" I whisper-yell, but this time I actually get a reaction. She shakes her head, then looks around. "Ah- umm- Denmark, I'm sorry for spacing out.." she mumbles. I grin. "Glad to have you back with us though."

"You two! We're nearly there! Prepare yourselves!" Yells Thurston. 'Soon...we will get you back!'

2p!(c/n)s POV

Despite my attempts to mentally send daggers at him, Flavio stands still before, alive and breathing and...'Wait a minute...are thoose...are thoose sparkles? Is this bitch sparkling? What?' Apprently sparkling. I'm probably on drugs or something. "What are you staring at?" He tilts his head, as he asks me. "You know that's more for cute people right?"  He gasps, hopefully offended. "You're right! I'm to handsome to be cute!" He grins. 'Damn you, cheeky little bastard! I hate you.' I wish I can say that, but I have a reputation to hold.  Then I realize something. "Why are you even here? We all know you care less than your brother."

"That's true. But maybe I actually want to chat with you- or rather I want to know how you managed to make Markell like you."


"You know I said that Luci cares about me, but he doesn't like me. In fact I'm sure he hates me. Once he actually rules the world he will probably kill me- after all who needs a second, useless Italy? So tell me, how did ylu get Markell to like you?" Apparently this man- known for his cold sarcasm and sass and his iron armor- is nothing more than a wounded child, like (c/n) and I once were. Then realization hits me and all I can choke out is:


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