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Readers POV

The meeting starts and for once in the few hours I've been here everyone went silent. It's creepy. We all stare at Germany, who clears his throat. "First of all, I welcome you all to the world meeting. And thank you, Dänemark, for hosting it. Now we all know what this world meeting us about, right?" He looks around the room, searching for anything that states otherwise. "I don't know, Doitsu! Ve~" A chorus of 'of course.' and 'only Italy.' and one 'Goddamnit Veneziano!' follows. "Well then, let me explain. Todays world meeting is about the recent and.... not so recent...events concerning the nation (c/n), Canada and the Nordics." I tense up at the german mans words. They probably were going to punish me for what I've done. "Her crimes include starting the third World war, and nearly ending the world we know by winning it and releasing her 2p." , he continues. I look down to my lap in shame. A hand lays on my shoulder and rubs small, comforting circles on it. "However a punishment in form of us forgetting her and making her invisible to us, was already executed. This punishment, though effective in making her regret, also led to her having depression and suicidal thoughts, which is not something a punishment should acclompish. Thanks to Dänemark taking her as his little sister instead of accepting her....." he swallows, "proposal, she is still with us." Germany looks around the room, the nations faces show slight guilt, though most are rather difficult to see, hidden behind a blank staring poker face. The germans blue eyes land on Canada. "Canadas crimes only include the third world war. He also suffered from the same punishment (c/n) recieved. He has, however, yet to show any signs of depression and suicidal thoughts. Today we shall discuss what new punishment these two shall recieve. One that makes them regret their actions yet shall not make them feel like they should not be a nation. So any suggestions? Proposals? Then please raise your hand. But for now we shall take a small 15 minutes break so you can overthink the whole situations and think of a proper punishments." He finish his speech. Somehow I feel relieved. I know I'm going to get punished, there is no way around it, but at least it's not a punishment that is going to break me. "Dänemark, (c/n)? Could you please meet me in the hallway? There are things we need to talk about." Germany stands up and walks out of the meeting room. I glance over to Denmark, who gives me a small nod and also stands up and leaves. I follow him, clinging onto his hand, trying to calm my nerves.

We step out of the meeting room and meet with an apologetic looking Germany. Oh no.
"(C/n) I wanted to apologize for driving you to this point of depression. All of us are sorry." He states. Pity, altough nice that they actually do care, is the last thing I want to recieve. Tightening my grip on Denmarks hand and taking a deep breath I reply with:" Germany, you and I both know that pity is something none of us need. We life. We achieve great things, but also make a lot of mistakes. It's part of our lifes- of us! So please don't give me your pity. I don't need it." Denmarks eyes widen in surprise and he looks down to me. I simply keep staring in Germanys eyes, who just nods and clears his throat again. "Anyways, I also meant to ask, what about your 2p? How is she?" Now it was Denmarks turn to tighten his grip around my hand. With a quiet growl he turns his head away. 'Yeah, he still doesn't quiet like her.' I slightly shake my head. "She's alright, I guess. We haven't visited her for a while. But we haven't recieved any complaints or anything like that from anyone, so I guess everything is fine.", I reply, shrugging my shoulders. Germany studies me for a while, surely looking for hints that what I said is not true. When he doesn't find any, he nods, says 'thanks', and goes back in the meeting room. Denmark lets out a sigh and looses his grip on my hand a little. "I'm glad this is over." He sighs. "You're still not over what happened with (2p!c/n)." I mumble, kind of disapponted. I am kind of grateful to her, after all. She did help me say that, somethinf I wouldn't have dared otherwise. And that helped me to get accepted in their little family, to not get forgotten again. So in some way she helped me and Canada get kind of rid of our curse.
" Well, duh! She kidnapped you! I'm still pissed at that!", he pouts. I shake my head. "She has changed. Even though she's still a little mean, she won't hurt anybody, which is a great improvment for her." Denmark picks me up and hugs me. He's still pouting. "I know, but stiiiilll!" I giggle at this. "We probably should get back inside." I state, still giggling. "Yeah..", he sighs.

We certainly don't expext do walk in on a nearly destroyed meeting room and the nations glaring at something in the middle of the room. "What..What happened in here?!" I exclaim, shocked. We were only outside for a few minutes and something went down in here. Although I am not surprised that we didn't hear anything. Meeting rooms are made soundproof so that nobody unauthorized overhears something they shouldn't. Even though nothing except chaos happens during a world meeting.

"(C/N)! I'm so glad you're alright!" Shouted a familiar, overly cheery voice. Fuck. Seriously, what happened in here?!

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