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Readers POV

I'm on the stairs, listening to what Iceland and Thurston are talking about. 'Who was this person? Maybe (2p!c/n) knows...' I quickly climb the rest of stairs up, only to realize I don't know where her room is. Great. I open the first door I see, only to find a lot of burning candles. 'Definitely Lokis room.I should ask him later to teach me something about fire, it could be useful afterall.'. The next door I open, reveals a staring out the window (2p!c/n). I also notice that this was the room the 2ps locked me in. Stepping behind her, I hear her breath softly. She is asleep, and that in such a uncomfortable position.' Better wake her up.' I smirk at that thought. 'Yeah, let's do that..' Leaping at her, I squeeze her sides, earning a suprised squeak from her. My smirk widens into a smile. Even she can be adorable. "(Y/n)?!" She squeaks out. "First time you ever call me by that name~." I sing happily. The surprise on her face got replaced by a smirk. "So you really can't be apart from me for a few days, eh?" She laughs. Thats also the first time. I never imaged it would sound so... lighthearted and friendly. Really not something you would expect. "Something the matter?" She stopped laughing. "No, not really...your laugh...is just kind of unexpected.." I whisper. She smirks at this. "Is it now?" And starts laughing again. "Then tell me, what does my laugh sound like?"

"Really friendly and lighthearted, as if there are no worries that depress you.." Her laugh grows louder. 'How come her sides don't hurt?'

"Maybe it's because Markell finally accepted me." She says, with a few pants inbetween. "True, I've also felt a lot more happier during the week I spent with nordics. Especially with Denmark." I smile. "Why are you still so formal with their names?" She asks with a stern expression. "I....I don't know, honestly..it probably got a habit over the time."

"True that. I, too, can't seem to give the some nicknames....well some that aren't insults..but, let's start talking about more serious topics."

"Like what?"

"Our country and it's future." I instantly get more serious. "Your right."

Icelands POV

"Sooo....hows life been?" I ask nervously.

"You've heard an example....Kinda anoying.." he sighs. "But you know...I found out I kind of like to have (2p!c/n) around here. Makes something a lot of fun around here." A smile is on his face. A honest, sincere smile. That's also something new. "A~ww, does someone have a soft spot for kids?" Cooes Bernard. Thurston blushes furiously at this and yells. "No, no I have fucking not! I meant that I can tolerate these brats, nothing more, nothing less! Now shut the fuck up!" Bernand fake-gasps and tackle-hugs the pissed of, and still in denial about having a soft spot for kids, fin. "No~w my deary, what did I say about swearing in the hou~se?" He cooes again. I can't see Thurstons face, but I guess it must be scarlet by now. 'That lil' tsundere.' I hum on my thoughts. "Bernard I swear to god, let me go, before you fucking regret it!" Thurston desperatly yells, only for it to fall on deaf ears. And that smirk on Bernards face looks kind of creepy. Then laughter. And not Bernards. Well, it is strangled laughter, but laughter nontheless. "You need to be punished." Bernard sing-songs, and the laughter from Thurston grows louder. It doesn't take long and his knees give out, but only for him to fall on Bernards chest, still laughing helplessly. 'Kind of amusing to see them like this, and not so serious.' Surprisingly, or not, Thurston doesn't start to beg. He is short on air, but he doesn't apologise or begs for Bernard to stop.' Like I said...tsundere.' I shake my head and crack a small smile on my own. Thurstons laughter is kind of contagious. "Seems like Thurstons the one regretting it now~." Loki chuckles, as he entered the room. "True."

"Bernahahahahard, plehehehahahahHAHAHASEHEHAHAHAHASTOHOHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHP!" It's surprising that we can understand him through all his laughter. He even lasted through 20 minutes of this tickle torture. "Alrighty~, but only because you asked so nicely~." And again, Bernard cooes. Then he turns serious. "You should lay down for a while, alright Thurston?" He says, concern showing clear as day in his voice. Thurston nods. He's probably to dizzy to speak. Bernards leads Thurston away. "So, Ice?" Loki speaks up, once both of them left the room. "Mind if I teach both (c/n)s how to fight with fire?"
'How come he sounds so innocent asking this?'
"Of course I mind! Denmarks going to kill me if he finds out that (c/n) was near anything dangerous! It's already a miracle that he didn't went beserk with what happened in Romania!" I try my best not to yell. Luckily it works, though my cheeks get a bit flushed. Loki smiles. "Alright~! I understand~! I won't teach them about fire.." he mumbles and goes away.

"You know, you can't trust him,right? Even if he promised it, he wouldn't keep it." Comes the raspy voice of Markell behind me. I gasp and jump a little. That guy would be a great ninja. "Calm down, it's just me.."

"I know, you just surprised me, is all." He hums.

Readers POV

"So, that concludes it?" I ask. She nods.

"You know I like working with you. You have great ideas, that could help us a lot. Also you have way more knowledge in military stuff than I do." I beam at her and her eyes widen.

"How come you're so accepting?.." she asks.

"I don't know....but if I had to guess, that after I got shutted of, I was carving a family, some acceptance, a lot more than I did before..."
We just sit here in silence, (2p!c/n) still porcessing what I just said.

Then Loki busts in, yelling:" Hey girls! Wanna learn how to use fire?"

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