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...Canada. His eyes were bloodshot and his face was stained with tears. He only looked me in the eye and said: "why? Why would you? "And then hugged me tightly, or rather, picked me up and snuggled me into his chest. I started to feel tears of my own run down my cheeks. Seeing my only friend cry and not having much control over your emotions don't mix well. „I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! "I sobbed loudly, "But that's the only way I can stop being a failure and help my people! " I felt eyes on us. Many eyes. All the countries looked at us, until "Canada, bro, who are you talking to?" America asked. Canada quickly turned around and looked every country dead in the eye. "Are you all stupid,eh? Don't you see her? Even after all the years she's been sitting in that corner over there?" He pointed at the corner with my seat, "Don't you see how much she's been through?" He yelled at them. Yes, yelled. And it is an unspoken rule between the countries, that when Canada at them yells, they should feel ashamed." Canada, could you please set me down?", I asked quietly. As soon as I was on the ground, I turned around and looked at the nations. Their eyes were wide as they stared at me. "S-since when was here a little girl?" Britain asked in disbelief. I turned back to Canada and said " I'm sorry, but I can't do this anymore.." and ran away. I just wanted to get away from them. As soon as I sat down on the ground to take a break from running, the voices began again.

"You're a failure.

You don't deserve to be a country-representation.

Give it up! You'll never be as great as the other countries !"

I know they're telling lies, but even the biggest lie has a bit truth in it..

Meanwhile with the nations, after you ran away..


Denmark's POV

So that was the nation who wanted to give up her country. I expected her to be older. And to think that all that started with just a piece of paper..



I was annoying Norge again. It's the only way, we ever get to see emotions from him, even if it's just one. After I got choked and told to stay silent, I noticed a piece of paper on my desk.'Strange..It wasn't there before' I thought to myself. I took it and began reading it. I red it over and over, I just couldn't believe it! A country-representation trying to kill themselves. The name, it sounds familiar, even tough I never heard of that country. Maybe one of the others pranked me again? Better ask them... "Hey!" I yelled. All eyes were now on me. "Who wrote this letter to me?" "What letter?", Prussia asked." This letter!" I began to read it aloud. Once I finished the whole conference room was silent. Wow. Guess it isn't a prank then.

 'Thump' a chair  was thrown over. We all looked at....that America-look-alike."Canada,bro, you alright?" asked America, worry clearly evident in his voice. Canada looked up, his face was flushed and tears running freely down. But he didn't looked just sad. No he clearly looked pissed of! He began to storm towards the door. Prussia tried to stop him, but received a glare that clearly said: '  touch me and say goodbye to your five meter'. Needless to say Prussia quickly hid behind the nearest nation he could find, which happened to be Romano. Canada continued his way to the door and muttered things like "why?..Why would she? She could have just asked for my help.." When the door was opened, he picked something up and turned back to us. The 'thing'  he held in his arms was a small girl, clearly no older than six or seven years. Her small frame shook slightly, she must be crying. Canada started yelling at us. Didn't know he could yell. After he stopped yelling at us and set her down, she just looked at us. Her (e/c) were blodshot,like Canada's. Her (h/c) hair was pretty long, looks like she didn't cut it for centuries! It also was a mess. When she looked at me, I felt like she wanted to tell me something important. Tears were running down her like waterfalls. All in all she looked like she just saw someone dying. She turned back to Canada, whispered something to him and ran away.


End of Flashback


Canada looked stunned. He looked back at us and began yelling again. I felt a slight tug on my right sleeve. I turned to look and saw Finland. 'He must be worried about her, after all he loves children.'. "Do you think she will be alright?" 'Called it!' "I don't know.." I answered. "Maybe you should go look for her? She wanted to speak to you anyways." I nodded and ran after her. As I ran past Canada, I saw something in his eyes. Was it relief? Guess so. Anyways I began to make my way to her. I ran for some minutes until I heard soft sobbing. She just sat there and cried. I kneeled in front of her and began to pet her head. "Hej lille..."She looked up, shocked.

Readers POV

I heard soft footsteps walk towards me.' Guess Canada found me..'. "Hej lille..."  What?! Why is he here? And why does he notice and remember me?!' I looked up just to be greeted with ice blue orbs that are laced with worry, regret and a bit of sadness." you wanted to know my decision right? "I nodded. "Well my decision is...."

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