Extra: Readers past (part 1)

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'What is this?..It's..cold? Or warm?...I don't know...but what I know is that I have to find a shelter, quickly!' Big, dull (e/c) eyes opened.


White everywhere. There was even white something falling from the sky. The childs eyes widened, showing the interest in the snowflakes and firgetting the original plan. She jumped up, a huge smile and sparkling eyes on her face, and starting catching the falling snow. "So cold?, but so beautiful." She cooed happily, staring in awe at the ones she already caught." They're so unique.." after she realized that, the ones she held in her slowly numbing hand, don't resemble each other. "...am I like that too? Am I also unique and have nobody that is like me?" The snowflakes started to melt, taking the little warmth her small hands may have kept. By now the cold has hit her again, epspecially after she noticed what she was wearing: a short, white dress and a grey cloak that was wrapped loosely around her, probably to give her some warmth, but failed horribly at its one job. Also here feet were bare, and turning purple, tough she still felt them. 'Why?' Screamed her mind, thinking of her as a human instead of the personification of the land she was standing on.

Yep, she is the one and only (c/n) or (y/n), at the age of three.

Anyway, back to her story. The childs eyes dulled again, loosing her curiousity in the white stuff around her. The plan on finding a shelter was now her priority. And maybe finding some food. Yeah, that also sounded great. She looked around, finding a forest not to far away from where she stood. Her instincs were telling her to go in there, which is what she did. Sprinting pretty fast for her age, and leaving a lot of little foot prints, which actually got snowed over again real quick, she made her way to the forest in no time. Staring at all the dead trees, she mumbled a monotone: "How sad..Is that also going to happen to me someday?", before her eyes lit up with deternimation, "No! I'm going to survive!" The girl yelled, probably to give herself some courage. Narrowing her eyes in focus, the child marched in the forest, determinted to prove her statement as truth.

A few days passed until she was found by a villager, who was getting firewood. Needless to say he was surprised to see a three years old child knowing how to hunt, and being better than best hunter out of his village, and eating the flesh raw. He found her sleeping under a giant root, cuddled into a lot of fur, which did a great job of hiding her. Apparently she could also skin animals. Damn. What a child.
The villager picked the small girl up and carried her back to his cottage, where he laid her on his bed and let her rest. Some hours later her (e/c) eyes slowly opened to some delicious smell. 'What is this heavenly smell?!' Her mind screamed, apparently fully awake, but her body was way to tired, so she did the only thing she could at the moment. Rubbing her eyes in a cute manner to wake up.
"Oh, seems like you're awake~. And in time too, the food is almost ready!" A strange, deep voice rang in her ears.'What a strange language..' It took her some time to realise that someone has spoken to her and that she understood it, but once she did, she shot faster than the speed of light up, jumped out of bed, grabbing the nearest weapon, (anything you can use as a weapon),pointed it at the old villager, while glaring and looking slighty confused. "Oh , theres no need for you to be wary of me." He chimed, giving her a closed eye smile. Her body relaxed a bit, but she still stayed tensed up. "Well, after seeing what you managed to hunt down, which is by the way pretty impressive, I shouldn't expect anything less, with you meeting someone of the same race as you for the same time."
Her mind worked hard, trying to understand what he said. "....same race?"
"Yeah, we're both humans."
Human? Something told her that wasn't what she is, yet she still believed it, happy to have someone taking care of her. Happy to feel safe for the first time. She nodded, her body fully relaxed now. So relaxed that tears poured out of her eyes. The villager seemed to panic. "A-ahh! Did I make you sad? I'm sorry! Please don't cry!"
"Sad? I have a bubbly feeling in my stomache...is that what we call 'sad'?" She mumbled. Stopping in his tracks, literally freezing on the spot, with a happy, yet confused look the villager spoke." That is not what we call 'sadness', what you feel is what we call 'happiness'!"
" 'Happiness?'" He nodded. "I like it!" She exclaimed, throwing her small fists in the air, smiling brigthly. "Now let's eat, before it gets to cold." The child sat down, eyeing the foreign objects in front of her suspiciously. All three seemed like they could be a weapon if used right. The bowl that was put in front of her snapped her out of her trance. The villager pointed at each thing and said: "This is a fork, a spoon and a knive. You use them for eating, tough for now I will help you." He picked up the 'spoon' put it in the bowl and held it in front of her. "Open up~" he singed. Following his instructions, the child opened her mouth. "Mmhh~ delicious!" She hummed happily and it didn't take her long before she finished the whole bowl.
"Hey, what about your name? A tilt of her head was his answer. And it was not the one he was looking for. " Name?...I don't have something like that..." she sighed sadly.
"Then I will call you (y/n)! It fits you perfectly!" He said. "Then what is your...name...?", she asked, the taste of the new word feeling foreign to her. "Jens! ['Yeahns] But you can call me...mmmh~...granpa!" He stated. "G-Gran-Grandpa...." she tested out. The old man smiled as bright, or even brighter than, the sun.
"And this is where our eldest lives." Jens was currently giving (y/n) a tour around the village, so the girl won't get lost." We should maybe visit him someday, but not today. He's a very busy man." The girl nodded, staring in awe at the building in front of her. 'Humans can do this....? Can I also..?'
"Hey, (y/n), I'm gonna run some quick errands. Maybe you can find some friends? It will surely do you good." The girl honestly didn't want to meet new people. Strangers are scary and dangerous, is her belief. Also she felt way more safer with Jens. Sighing, she hesistantly nodded, not really wanting to agree. "Ahh~ then it's settled! Let's go! Don't wander off to far." Jens called happily, as he entered the building. The small girl nodded again, and started to look around, trying to get familiar with this place. Cuddling deeper into her fur-clothing, in an attempt to hide from those dangerous strangers, she started to walk towards her left, deeper into the village.
Only a few villagres were outside, and none gave her a second glance. She was happy that not to many people were outside. Her nervousness started to fade and the beating of her heart was calming down. A sigh escaped her lips, showing her relief to the outside world. Staring down on the ground, her (h/c) bangs hiding her face, she noticed something....what was it? Grean? No, but close....green? Yes, she spotted something green and went to examinate it further. Her whole life she has only seen white, and sometimes a little brown, and of course blue and a blazing yellow, but never green. The hidden smile on her face was widening, revealing those small, white teeth of her. She kneeled down, ignoribg the cold stab of the snow, and softly grabbed some of the green thing. The feeling it gave off wasn't pleasant, ot sringed just as much as the snow underneath her, yet her smile didn't waver. Stroking it, being careful not to break it, she sat there, enjoying herself.
"Ehh~ so you're more interested in grass than people?" The laughing voice of Jens brought her back to reality, yet she didn't flinch. Somewhere in here subconciousness she heard him approaching her. 'Grass, eh? That's what's it called? I don't know why, but it somehow suites it.'
"So you're also ignoring me now? How me~an!" Whined Jens. "I'm sorry, grandpa." (Y/n) sighed as she shook her head at his bad acting. Standing back up, and stretching her back, she asked," And? What did you buy?"
"That's a surprise~!" Jens hummed, recovered from the shock a few seconds ago. The girl sighed again. She's the child yet also the mature one out of the duo. 'How come?' Is what she frequently asked herself. But honestly, when you're a two year old child, well in human years, you're the one whose supposed to be childish, notthe person taking care of you. But then again, she is afraid of the outside world, or rather, other people. With wierd glances and evil glares at her, why wouldn't she? Even in this young age, she knew she wasn't welcomed here by some. Mostly thoose people who have something to do with Magic, and thoose who generally hate everything. Luckily for her, Jens is neither of them. He is a generally happy and positive old man, who has yet to discover the dark side of life. It's like he's an angel sent by God to make this sad little village a happy one. And the people there are very grateful to him. Everytime he steps into the village, their sad frowns transform into big happy smiles, and even enemies turn into friends. And Jens smiles back at them with just as much happiness.
'Ah~ how I wish this would never end.' Yet she knew, where something good is, something bad will destroy it.
And how (y/n) hated to be proven right, when it comes to something bad- no, terrible would describe it better. A few years have passed now, and she's just a three year old, in human years. Well and the other humans took notice of this. The kids she used to play with, after they managed to crack her shell, despised her. And if they were still alive they still would. But she would have let them. After all it's still better than staring down on their bloody corpses- or what was left of them. Any other normal human would have screamed, threwn up, fainted or would freeze on the spot and force themself to continue looking at this bloody mess. Yet she stayed calm. Sadness was written in her face, not shock. But it's not like she's in a different state. Her body was also covered in wounds, which, by the way, did hurt a lot, but she wasn't dying. Heck, the pain didn't even paralyze her, and she wasn't on an adrenalin rush, like humans would be at this point. Some of her wounds were fatal for a human being, yet, why wasn't it for her? Why won't she die? Is it true what thoose men said? That she isn't human? Well (y/n)- or rather (c/n)- knew so herself the entire time. She wasn't normal. She wasn't human. No, she was the personification of the territory she's standing on. She was the country itself. But that also made her the reason, why thoose men- more like monsters- attacked the village, and killed thoose kids- even the angel, as some were actually calling him, Jens. All in search for her, but what was she going to do? If she hid more people would die and her wounds may become fatal for her, yet she couldn't show herself. Jens death- his sacrifice- would be pointless.
"Ah~, what is this moist feeling on my face? Jens, can't you tell me?" The (h/c) mumured.
"There she is! Get her!" Yelled a voice. The next thing she knew was that she got tackled to the cold yet soft ground, and that the man was holding her down. Finally she broke. Finally she could be a normal child for once, by simply letting the tears stream abd starting to weep. Even if thoose evil beings told her to stop, she couldn't.
It has been some days since the men captured her and locked her up. Her (e/c) eyes still looked broken, but otherwise her face was void of any emotion.
Their leader- a man named Matthias, as she had found out later- attacked their village in order to colonize it, because the eldest of the village didn't accept their more peaceful offers. That she got captured was just an unexpected plus. Or that's what they told her. 'Egoistical bastards. Both of them- no, all of them!' She thought bitterly. What surprised her though was thst she grew more. At this moment she looked like a five years old child. Did this man help her grow?
Yes, he did. 'At what cost though? The lives of these innocent people? I would have preferred to stay small then.'

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