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Norways POV

'What is Ice doing here?! I thought I told him to stay at home and watch Sealand! But no! Here they are, standing right in front of me with two (c/n)s!' While I was scholding Iceland and Sweden Sealand, the others talked. It seemed like Finland and Bernard had a lot to talk about. Denmark and Loki probably had found their soulmate in each other. Egil has returned from his room, but not to apologize to his brother, rather to talk to Ice. Thurston and Markell hated the world together.
"Guys! Calm your bitching! We will explain everything! Just calm the fuck down for a minute!" yelled (c/n)s 2p. A chorus of 'Who are you?' or 'Who the hell are you exactly?' echoed through the room. She gritted her teeth and her knuckles turned white.(c/n) laid her hand down on her 2ps shoulder, trying to calm her. Turning to look at us, (c/n) spoke with a firm voice: "Guys, we, as in my second player and I, need to talk with the Magic Trio." That part gained my attention." Specifically Romania." And there went my attention. "Wait!" Loki piped up. "Which Magic Trio?" "Doesn't matter." Was the short reply. Loki thought for a moment. "Well....we aren't sure were our Romania is. He rarely attends any meetings. Even world meetings. Most of us don't even know what he looks like. That means....." he trailed of and looned at me. I glared back. " Our Romania is probably at his house, taking care of Moldova.."

"So I have to face that little shit again..oh wait...we're talking about the 1p version, aren't we?"

"Yes, why? Is the 2p version that bad?" Asked Sealand

"Well let's say... he isn't as cheerful as you know the 1p version..."

"He's a drug addict. Now let's get started, I want to know where this ends." Thurston declared.

"You're joining us?" Asked a nervous Finland

"Yes! We don't want to risk that you guys won't get killed by us!" chirped Loki

"That's.....relieving?" muttered Iceland as I clung on to him. "Except for Iceland~" continued Loki, brushing of the death glare he recieved from me.

"What? Exc- ALRIGHT, BITCHES! LET'S GET MOVING OR ELSE WE'LL STAY HERE ALL DAY!" exclaimed (c/n)s 2p, interupting Anko. (c/n)s 2p took the lead, followed by Bernard and Finland, close behind were Ice, with me still clinging onto him,Sealand, Loki and Denmark, who were chatting and telling random jokes. Trailing behind were Sweden, Thurston and (c/n), following us quietly. "So" I started. "You want to walk all the way over there?" I was saved by the fact that looks can't kill. (c/n)s 2p stopped dead in her tracks, turned around and shot me the darkest glare she could muster. Which was pretty frightening if you ask me. Glaring in return, I tried my best to not show how scared I was. "Did you say something?" She asked in a calm manner. I hugged Ice tighter, trying to gain some confidence. Seriously, for a six or seven year old she knew how to be frightening." So what if I did?" I replied, hoping I didn't stutter." Then please use your magic and transport us to him!" I nodded and glanced at Loki." Loki" he looked at me." Let's try it.."

"WHAAT?! Are you insane?!" screeched Loki. "Do you have any idea how much magic we need to transport everyone there?! We would put ourselves in danger!"

"First of all, you're the insane one of us and secondly both, Iceland and Egil should also be able to use magic. Same for Thurston and Finland as they are both Santa. You and I will take their power,then mix it with our own and you get a transportation spell that will bring us all over there." I took a deep breath. This was the longest I've spoken in decades. Iceland stiffend. "What do you mean? We're able to use magic?" He mumbled. "You're my brother. Don't you think you should at least be able to use some magic?" I mumbled back. "Alright....I guess...if that what you say is true, then we won't need Finland or Thurston....but it will take some time."

"As long as you won't take as much time as we should by travelling over there, it should be alright.." mumbled (c/n)s second player.

"(2p!c/n) agrees! So you better get started" exclaimed Sealand. With a nod, ignoring that he just named (c/n)s 2p, I started mumbling a spell that transfers some of Ices magic to mine. Loki did the same with Egil. We may were concentraded, but we could still hear the voices from the others

"So....(2p!c/n)?" Asked an unsure Finland

"Yes! It's my name for (c/n)s 2p, because always calling her (c/n)s 2p or second player sounds like she is just a copy and not an indivudual person. Right, mom?" Cue Thurston laughing in the background " Wouldn't you also feel...unwanted..hated, when someone calls you a copy? Not an individual being, just a copy of someone?" Countered Sealand.

"O-onii ..-chan..." mumbled Ice and Egil at the same time. Realizing that we probably drained to much, we quickly stopped. Grabbing Lokis hand, we started chanting the transportation spell.

"I actually like that name....b-but not because you gave it to me, dumbass!" Yelled (2p!c/n), her cheeks probably reddening fast. "Alright bitches from now on you can call me (2p!c/n)!" She exclaimed.

"Guys the spell is ready, come on!" Loki shouts. They quickly walked over to us, except Ice and Egil, who were still in our arms- alright, Ice was still in my arms, Egil was thrown to the ground. (C/n) helped Egil to get up and we all took a hold of each others hands, creating a kind of circle. Chanting the last words of the spell, a light consumed all of us. A bright light at that. I felt how my body turned into small particle, which were thrown into the sky and then zoomed with the speed of light towards our destination. Soon our bodys rebiult themselves and we dropped to the ground. Panting heavily, but smiling slightly I said

"Welcome to Romania.." then the world faded into darkness.

Nordics x Depressed! Child! ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin