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Readers POV

Ok. Alright. I need a recap here. First Denmark, Germany and I went out to talk. When we finished our akward conversation, Germany went in first and a bit later Denmark and I followed. I should mention something important here- we didn't hear a thing outside and we were standing directly in front of the door. Maybe the room is sound proof? Anyways- so how come when we enter the fiest thing we see are most nations in fighting stance, ready to take down whatever was in middle od their circle? Well most of you probably guessed right, but the 2p!Nordics decided to crash the meeting. 'Great..', I though sarcasticly, because let's be honest here: 1p and 2p are not made to work with- not to mention like- each other. 'It's a miracle that they somehow like each other.' And then suddenly, I was introduced to the floor yet again. "Oh my loooooord!!! You have grown even cuter!!", squealed Loki. I sweatdropped, stammering out a "Thanks? I guess?" 
"What the fucking hell is going here?!"
'Thanks, Romano, couldn't have said that better myself.'
"Well, we were having a small break from the meeting and suddenly the nordic 2ps popped up, fratello." Italy answers in a slightly shaky voice. Romano then continues to yell at him for answering a rhetorical question, however their argument is just background noise. Everyone in the room, except for the Italy brothers, stares at the newcomers in expectation, hoping they would explain themselves. "Wow, what an asshole.", comments Loki, followed by a mumbled "You're not better yourself.", from Eiríkur, which results in a glaring contest between those two. I turn to glance at Thurston, who is clearly fed up by the situation, and plead woth my eyes that he would explain what the fuck is going on. Luckiky, he manages to take the hint and clears his throat. About half of the once so brave 1p countries to a step back and tensed up. Wow. " So you haven't heard yet (c/n)? (2p!c/n)....went missing.." I give hin a 'are-you-shitting-me'-look, clearly not amused. I mean, how did they even manage that? "...so we came here to check up on you. We were...What's it called? Voriad?.... Worried? Yeah, that.", he continues and turns cherry red at the use of the word 'worried'. Bernard snickering, turns in a full blown out laughter. "How adorable! Our big bad boss is embarassed!", he laughs, which made Thurston even more red. And so those two also start arguing, or rather Thurston is yelling at Bernard to stop laughing at him, while Bernard is dying of laughter. "I can't believe those two.", Markell sighs, already done with everyones shit, "Anyways, we are happy that you're alright (c/n). Although we also have a favor to ask of you. Do you have any idea where (2p!c/n) might be?" Even through is almost emotionless snd nonchalant tone I can hear worry. "I...don't know. Or at least I'm not sure. Knowing her, she could be anywhere. But... after what happened between us...I don't think she would leave you guys. She is surely way to attached to you, Markell." They all stare wide-eyed at me. Well they didn't think I could say so much. "However...", I continue,"..that would also mean that she got kidnapped." Markell flips the big, round table. Just like that. He may not be angry, but this action certainly expressed way more than words ever could. Goddamn. "Kidnapped?! That must mean... that bastard!", he grumbels. That was the first time he openly spoke with emotions, not just hints. Suddenly he jumps out of the window, going headfirst. The countries gape at the scene, while the 2ps just stare unamused, meaning it probably is not the first time this happened. Finland clears his throat and with an uneasy smile he says:" Ermm, if you don't mind, who is this 'bastard' Markell was reffering to?"
Thurston snickers at this. Hearing his counterpart- his polite, pure counterpart- actually swear, when he clearly didn't want to sure must be amusing." That doesn't concerns-- Excuse me?" Denmark buts in Thurstons, who is glaring at him, sentence. "If my lillesøster could be in danger then of course it concerns me- us!", striking a pose, he turns to me, eyes sparkling. Norway looks away, annoyed. I guess he wanted me to say something, but I didn't know what, so I just continued to stare blankly.Then he starts to sulk. The 2ps exchange glances, shrug and the follow Markells example, by also jumping out of the window. Wierdos. The door would also have been a great option. "So umm, mind explaining what that just was?" America ask, coming from his hiding spot, which happened to Canada. "I don't know." I sigh, facepalming.

Markells POV

'Fucking asshole, daring to kidnap my little sister! When I get to him I will let Loki burn him alive! Bastard doesn't deserve better!' After my spetacular leap through the window, I've been running around, trying to blow off steam, although it seems to have the opposite effect. Great. I stop my running. 'Fuck. Where am I?' I scowl, just wanting to get (2p!c/n) back. 'I need a cig.' Pulling out a cancer stick, lighting it and taking a long deep drag from it, I finally felt my self relax. "Oh my gosh Markell! What did I tell about smoking?", scolds Loki, who seemingly popped out of nowhere. "That I should continue to, because it doesn't do jack shit to me. How did you guys find me?", I growl, not ready to be dealing with their crap. "Just followed the stench of anger and worry." That happy-go-lucky motherfucker chirps. I start to bite down ob my cigarette, trying not to lash out at him.  However it doesn't work, and I would have strangeld him, if a little hand on my shoulder and Thurstons equally pissed off voice boomed for us "to stop behaving so childish, get the fuck home, calm the hell down, and then start rescuing her", didn't stop me.
"You guys know, if you need help, we'd ve glad to help."

'Now who the fuck is that?!'

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