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Darkness. Not the best thing to wake up to, right? Sadly that's what I woke up to. That, and a pounding head. The person that strucked, made sure that I would still feel it later. And they did a good job. I tried listening to my surroundings. The only thing I heard was my own breath. Next thing I tried was moving my arms and legs. 'Of course they would tie me down.' I mentally sighed.

'You know, it serves you right.'

'Oh great.....you're back.'

'Of cou-...' I tuned the rest out. There were more important matters I had to take care of. I had to find out where Sealand is and if he's alright. Small, uneven breathing started right next to me. 'So he's alright.'

"Hey, Sea." I whispered.

"(c/n)? Thank godness, you're alright."

"Yeah, I'm right next to you."

"Are you hurt anywhere?"

"No....except for my head, everything feels fine. What about you?"

"Same." Silence started to fill the room, until Sealand started to chuckle."What's so funny?"

"Nothing. It's just, that this is probably the longest conversation I had with you, without you stuttering. And that in such a frightening situation. It's just to ironic." There was a small smile on my part,although I'm pretty sure he couldn't see it.'True.." I mused.

"It also seems like you were in such situations already. So,...were you?"

"I guess. My people don't really like me..."

"Ouch. I'm sorry."

"It's alright." We continued waiting. After all our kidnappers should have prepared something for us, right? Of course they did. We heard someone stomping their way to us. They flung the door open and marched over to us. And ,damn, they reeked of drugs and cigarette smoke. "Uncle...D-Den?" Sealand stammered.'Maybe this person looks like Denmark, but he sure as hell doesn't have the same feel.' If you still shouldn't have noticed it, I'm pretty good at feeling my oppoments auras. It helps me to see if a person is actually welcoming me, or will try to kill me in my sleep. So far this Denmark-look-a-like feels like he would torture you to death. His aura was cold. Like his whole personality was missing a heart. Something he could feel simpathy with. "Far from it, kid." Like his aura, his voice was also cold and emotionless. As if he tried to freeze you just with his voice. "Who are you?" I demanded.
"Why should I tell you?" You could hear the smirk in his voice. I smirked back, even tough I didn't know if he could see it. "Right. I probably wouldn't have said it either. But what important is, why are we here?"
"That's for me to know and you to find out."
"Wow, you truely are a cold person, aren't you?"
"Why, yes, yes I am." He laughed. His voice may sound a bit like Denmarks, but his laugh was completly different. It was just insane. Cruelty was also evident in it."Hey~,I told you, don't take all the fun to yourself!" pouted another voice, which sounded just a bit higher than Norways. And with emotions. "Hold kæft!" the first grumbled back."N'aww~ Denny, don't be so mean~! Any way Finny wants the prisoners. And take off her blindfold."
"Since when is he the boss?"
"Since he made the plan of kidnapping them."
'Denny' kept grumbling as he undid the rope from whatever I was tied to, and quickly bound my hands behind my back. It took a while until my eyes were adjusted to the light, after he took of my blindfold. Once they were adjusted I looked at my kidnappers. One of them looked a lot like Norway, except he was smiling. He also wore a complete red sailor outfit and had a burn mark all over the right side of his face. 'I'm surprised if he can still se with that eye.' The other one, was one of the intruders. His hair tough was flatter than Denmarks. He also had a scar under his left eyes and his clothes were lazy looking. The Norway-look-a-like untied Sealand, and did pretty much the same to him as 'Denny' did to me. 'Norway' went ahead of us and 'Denny' went behind us. The voice, wich actually shut up for once, decided that now would be a great time to come back alive. It just continued telling me how pathetic and weak I looked, just the usual. Tough it still hurt. Not as much as before, but it still hurt. I looked down at my feet, finding sudden interest in the floor and the carpet.'Who picked thoose out? They don't even fit!' Yeah, me and my first world problems...Anyways, Sealand nudged my side. "Hey, (c/n), are you okay? You seem pretty sad."
"Ah! Um...No,no..I'm aright." I smiled lightly at him. It's great to see someone actually concerned about you. 'Norway' stopped suddenly and opened a run down door, to reveal the Finland-look-a-like I saw, two more who supsiciously looked a lot like Sweden and Iceland. Once we entered the room, 'Iceland' tackled 'Norway' in a hug, causing the smile on his face to grow and 'Norway's to disappear. "Onii-chan" 'Iceland cooed "I missed you~"
"Well, I didn't miss you now get off, before I'll burn you in your sleep!" 'Norway' screeched at him. 'Iceland' got off, altough he didn't seem to like the idea of letting his 'Onii-chan' go. "TARPEEKSI!" yelled 'Finland' turning my attention to him, before I could get a better look at 'Iceland'. 'Finland' had stood up, slamming his left hand on the table and holding in his right a throwing knife. Glaring at everyone, he looked aroubd the room. Now that I finally saw him with some light, I can say he actually seemed to be shorter that Finland. His eyes were bloodred, like his uniform. "Now that you have finally shut up, we can continue. First off all, let me introduce myself. I am Thurston or 2p!Finland." He stated
"2p's are like an alternate version of yourself, except we are the complete opposite personality wise." Sealands mouth was in an 'o' shape.
"Anyways, that over there-" he pointed at 'Sweden' "-is Bernard or 2p!Sweden." Bernard was also smiling rather creepily. His clothes were also pretty lazy looking, as if it didn't bother him what he was wearing "The grumbling one over there-" now 'Denmark' "-is Markell or 2p!Denmark. The one with the burn mark is Loki or 2p!Norway. And lastly the one with the eyepatch is Egil or 2p!Iceland." Egil wore pretty much the same as Iceland, only his clothes were a deep navy blue instead of brown. I also noticed that his eye was a mix between red and violet. The only red that didn't look like blood. "So" started Thurston "now that you know who we are, I have an important question for you, (c/n). And I hope, you will answere with what I expected or your little friend and you won't see our 1ps ever again.....

....Will you join the 2p!Nordics, seen that we can't find yours and your skills are something we will need for future plans?" So should I join them and save Sealand or should I take the risk?
So will you join or not?
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