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'Wait! What does she mean?!' "My memoeries being erased? The memories I have fit perfectly together! I remember each and every year I excisted perfectly!" I exclaimed, tough she didn't seemed fazed. With a blank stare she questioned me. "Is there anything....strange or wierd happening to you?"

Icelands POV

"My 'brothers' are idiots" I mumbled, popping my head out of the bush, where I was hiding. The house of the 2ps was located in forest, so there was no worrying about hiding places. Sealand head plopped out next to mine. He nodded "Did they really think we will stay at home and sit still?" I merely chuckled at this. He was right. They really did believe we would hold still and not help. It was pretty idiotic of them to just leave me at home, since I already knew where the 2ps lived. I visit them from time to time. They actually like me- or can stand me. It's quite ironic, seeing that they probably should hate my guts for being a 'counterpart', their better half, we always getting preffered by people for being 'good'. I think because I treat them like individual beings- like normal people, they can stand me. I motioned for Sealand that we enter through the back door.

Finlands POV

I picked up the knife that was thrown my way." You didn't missed me by accident, Bernard. So why would you throw so I could dodge?" I asked the person that appeared behind me. "You know why~" he sing songed.
"I could also ask why you would give me my knife back, but I won't, because I already know." He said as I handed him his knife back. "Because it wouldn't fair for you to have to relay on your combat skills, while I run off, hide and snipe you. So you didn't want to hurt me, because I look to much like Thurston?"
"No, not exactly...I want to puch Thurstons face in, not yours. You may look the same, but you aren't him." I nodded in response. Knowing that he's Swedens 2p, he must hate mines guts. I held my hand out for him to shake. "May the best man win" I said. He took my hand and grunted, agreeing. As soon as our hands let go, we ran off to find a good hiding spot.

Denmarks POV

'Gooddamnit! Why the hell are there four of them at one place at the same time?' I tought as the 2ps cornered us. We may are fearless vikings, but when psychos cornered you and smile down at you like they found a new doll to play with you wouldn't really feel great either. So to put it simply we were scared, tough we didn't show it. "Where the hell is Finny?" I asked aloud. "He's fighting my 2p" Sve grumbled as an answer. 'Wait! His? Then where is Finnys?' The knife on my throat quickly answered the question. I turned to look a pissed 2p! Finland in the face. "You can't be quiet for at least five minutes!" He screamed. "Where is my lillesøster?!" I screamed back at him. He blinked. "Why should we tell you?" Exclaimed Loki. We glared in response. All of the sudden Egil walked away. He didn't seemed all that interested in a fight with us. All he did was staring out of the window as if he was expecting something or someone. "Oi! Where the hell are you going, Egil?!" Asked Loki. Egil turned around and looked him dead in the eye, mumbling an "Eiríkur." Turning back he stomped his way over to their back door- ' Wait! Is that Ice? Probably not..' Shaking my thoughts aside, I concentraded on the pissed Finn before me. Well pissed may be a good word to describe him, but his eyes looked outraged. "Let's get started" I let out a war cry as I stroke him with my axe.

2p! Icelands POV

'Why the hell is he here?!' I grumbled in my head. I already had a feeling he would come along, but I hoped it would just stay a feeling. Gripping my knife I slammed the door open, just to see him standing there, about to open it himself. "What the hell are you doing here?!" I screeched at him." Your brother is in there. How would he react if he sees you here?!" Iceland put a hand on my shoulder. "Calm down! You'll gain their attention if you'll continue to stay this loud!" He whispered harschly. "And we're also here to rescue (c/n)!"

"Well (c/n) isn't in the state to be resued now."


"She has problems with herself right now."

"Eiríkur, can't you take us to her?"

"I could, but.....I'm not sure how she'll react to you."

"We don't care, as long as we get (c/n) back." I nodded. They were serious about this. Very serious if even Sealand came back here. I signaled them to follow me and we quietly made our way through the living room, where they were still fighting, luckily nobody noticed us, to (c/n)s room. After knocking on her door we waited a few minutes. A very angry looking second player opened the door, (c/n) sat in the back, looking confused. "You bastards are interupting something important, so go the fuck away!" (c/n)s second player growled at us. Sealand hid behind Iceland, who didn't seemed fazed at all at her outburst. "Iceland...." piped (c/n) up. "I want to go talk with Romania. Can we please go?" She stood up. "Wait- what about me?! I also play an important part on this!"

"You can tag along..." Mumbled (c/n) as she took Icelands and Sealands hands in her own." But we need to get going!" We went back into the living room, wich was surprisingly still intact. "Guys." (c/n) tried. No response.
"Guys!" Her 2p joined in. But still no response
"GUYS!" hollored both at the same time, finally catching the attention of the fighters.
Norway rushed to Iceland, probably scolding him for coming here. Same did Sweden with Sealand. Finland somehow flew down our chimney. Seriously. He just appeared there, completly covered in ash. My brother stalked towards me and brought his hand down to my cheek. The room grew silent, so that the sound of slap echoed through the room. "How could you?!" He started "you knew they were after her! So why did bring them to her?!" At that moment I couldn't take it anymore. The only thing he did was ingnoring me or scolding me. Never once I got praised. "You know what?" I gasped out. "Why the hell do you even care?! It's not like you ever cared about anything concerning me, except I really fucked up!" I yelled at him. This was the first time I ever yelled at him. He looked stunned. I huffed, turned around and walked towards my room, giving a small glance towards Iceland, who mumbled a small 'Thanks Eiríkur'.

For the first time on my life I felt completly happy.

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