Part one

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Now our journey doesn't start in Italy as it starts in a small town called Forks in Washington as Samantha and Benjamin had moved there after everything had happened with Aro and The Volturi, Samantha wanted to live a life where she wasn't always looking over her shoulder even more now that Samantha and Benjamin had adopted a newly bitten vampire called Nina, she had rosy red hair that was very long and wavy but what stood out was the ability Nina had which was to control water, they come across her just after she had been bitten but they don't know who had bit her.

Samantha has gotten very close to Nina like she was her own daughter as she taught Nina how to control her powers, Samantha Knew her father would show up one day to get Nina to join his coven so she prepared herself for that day. 

"Samantha! come on the Cullen's are waiting! we mustn't keep them waiting love" Benjamin called out as he grabbed a jacket while Samantha chuckled a little.  "Nina! dear wrap up warm for school! it's going to get cold"  Samantha spoke while walking past Nina's door.   "must i go to school Samantha? I don't see why? I'm a vampire" this made Samantha laugh a little.  "dear i know you don't want to go but you were in school before you were turned so you have to continue like nothing happened to you otherwise people will think something is wrong" 

Nina nods before walking out of her room to head to where Benjamin was followed by Samantha, she kissed Benjamin's cheek before smiling.  "Sorry Love but Nina didn't want to go to school so i had to explain why"  she explained while Benjamin placed an arm around Samantha's shoulder with a grin. "Well the Cullen's are waiting for us, we will drop Nina off at school and head over, I've called Carlisle and told him we will be a little late" Benjamin knew they would end up running late so he planned ahead of time.

Samantha was very happy to have Benjamin in her life as well as her adopted daughter but she began worrying when or If Benjamin would ever ask for her hand in marriage, she didn't want to ask him knowing that he was an old fashion guy.

After dropping Nina off at school both Samantha and Benjamin headed to the Cullen's as they had invited them over as Carlisle had something to tell them, Samantha had always been close to Carlisle ever since he use to be in the Volturi. She saw him daily back then yet it killed her when he left but she is glad he had as god knows where he would end up or if he would still be around. a slight knock on the front door, she was greeted by Edward and Bella's daughter Renesmee.  "Aunt Sammy! Uncle Benny!" you came! come on in! grandpa is waiting for you!"  Renesmee spoke with excitement in her voice so Sam walked in with a grin.  

"is he now? is he mad at me? am i in trouble now?"  she smirks a little as Renesmee shakes her with a giggle. "what?! no! why would you be in trouble?"  Renesmee shows her to the living room where the whole family was waiting. "Carlisle? is everything okay? you all look very worried?"  Benjamin spoke as he walked in behind Sam before Carlisle looked over at Edward which made Sam frown.  "what's going on? Carlisle?."

Edward walked over and hands Sam a letter with the Volturi crest on it, she took it from him and began to read it while Benjamin read it from over her shoulder.  " he can't have her, she is our daughter, she is happy with us"  she spoke while she continued to read the letter.  "I don't care if Jane made her, she is staying here"  she sat down in shock.  " know what happens when he is denied what is his, do you really want to go to war with your maker? your father?"  Carlisle spoke as he went over and sat beside her, he knew how much she wanted a child and being a vampire stopped her having any.

"H...he can't have her Carlisle as she has a life here and she loves being here" Sam spoke while Benjamin let out a growl. "why can't he just let us be happy! you are allowed to be happy Sammy! he doesn't own you! he doesn't own anyone with a gift!" he was very angry with Aro that he almost lost control of his powers. 

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