Part Two

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"ben please calm down as you losing control isn't going to help the matter" Alice spoke as she already saw how it was going to end. "sorry i just don't see why he enjoys hurting his own daughter like this and to leave it this way, it's like he wants a war" ben spoke while calming himself down before looking at Sam then going over and hugging her tightly.  "what can we do? it's clear you guys don't want a war nor do i"  Sam finally spoke. 

"The only way to avoid a war is to let them take Nina---" Carlisle was cut off by Bella.  "what no! that is not going to happen" she spoke while Edward grabbed her arm gently.  "Bella we can't--"  "don't! what if it was Renesmee? will you let him take her willingly?" she snapped at Edward who just sighs.  "no of course not as we would fight to keep her"  Edward replied while letting go of her arm.  "So how can you expect Sam to just give her daughter over like that? you all would fight for Renesmee because she is family but Sam is also family and a great friend so i will fight" Bella spoke while Sam smiled a little at her.

"as will i" Rosalie knew how it felt to crave a child so she wasn't going to let her friend lose hers, Esme shakes her head a little.  "we can't go up against the whole Volturi as their numbers are far more then what we have"  she spoke while Sam sighs a little.  "no one is fighting as he is doing it to get me to come back to him"  Sam knew how her father played his games and she learnt a few tricks.  "I'll write back to him and offer him a deal...he won't turn it down" 

Ben frowns a little while Edward reads Sam's mind.  "that might work Sammy" he spoke while they all look at Edward then Sam who smiled a little.  "she is going to get him to meet her to talk"  Edward spoke as ben shakes his head. "No! no! he will kill you the second he sees you and he won't come alone Sam, you are putting yourself at rick of being killed"  Ben wasn't going to lose his mate, he couldn't lose Sam as he will follow her in death. 

"He won't kill the only heir he has, he won't turn anyone else as it is to much work for him so he will have to listen to me...he will have to agree to my terms or the coven dies with him simple"  Sam spoke while Carlisle grins at her words.  "you remember the lessons i taught you then?" Sam was just about to say something when she caught a scent throughout the house.  "Jacob is here, I'll be off then"  

Sam and Jacob couldn't be in the same house together without one of them wanting or trying to kill one another but no one knew why nor did Sam or Jacob, it was very weird so when Jacob was at the Cullen's place Sam would stay away until he left or leave when he turned up.  "You don't have to go Sam as Jacob is a friend" Carlisle spoke while Sam shakes her head.  "It's not that as all i can think about is killing him as that's what my father taught me, all wolves have to die"  she spoke before heading out with Ben following behind her.

once they got home ben spoke up.  "i love you Sam but i don't trust your father as you know what he is like...i need you as does Nina" he spoke taking her hands in his making Sam smile sweetly at him.  "i know you are worried Benny-boo but if i don't do this then we lose Nina and we won't ever get to see her or die trying to stop her going, i already thought i lost you before and it was the worse feeling in the world so please trust me on this" 

Ben loves that nickname she had for him but he was very worried about the plan yet trusted Sam with all his heart. "if anything goes wrong please just run Sam, Run and I'll find you as i will always find you as you are my world" 

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