Part Seven.

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Listening to Marcus was probably the best thing to do at that moment as she didn't want to become a black hearted killer or ruler like her father nor did she want to lose Ben or her daughter.   "You are right dear uncle but this is the way it has to be, I am not allowed to see Ben now that I am Queen"  Sam spoke with a sigh as Marcus just smiled a little.

"My dear sweet niece, you the Queen" he watched Sam hoping that she would understand what he was saying yet when she figured it out a smile appeared on her face.  "You are right, I am Queen and as queen I can do as I please"  she kissed her uncle's cheek before rushing off to get cleaned up.

"Just like her mother" Marcus mumbled a little as he watched her run off as he remembered when he first met her mother. "I'm watching over her  Didyme, she is safe" he spoke to himself as Felix over heard him.  "My lord?" He spoke which made Marcus look over at him.

"Yes Felix? Is everything okay?" He asked on his usual full tone. "The former King is asking that you and Sam return" Felix didn't know what to say as Aro had always been king so it was new to have a Queen. "Of course I shall return once my niece has cleaned herself up, I'd hate for her to return alone" he explained making Felix nod then turn to walk away.

"Felix? You adore Sam right?" Marcus asked making Felix turn around to look at him. "You'd do anything for her yes? As your Queen?" Marcus continued while Felix nods at his words. "Yes, I would kill many vampires to protect her, why do you ask?" Those words were all that Marcus needed to hear.

"Then you will become her personal bodyguard Felix as I fear some within the coven would harm her" Marcus explained as he had notice the way Jane and a few others had been looking at his niece. "Harm her? Who? I shall deal with them" Felix spoke which made Marcus chuckle a little.

"No she isn't to know I've asked you to protect her, she is our queen and we both know she never wanted it" Marcus looked towards Sam's room then back at Felix. "Keep her safe Felix, inside and outside of the coven" he warned while heading back to Aro leaving Felix waiting for Sam.

Once Sam had gotten cleaned up she walked out of her room to see Felix waiting for her which made her frown. "Felix? Is everything okay?" She asked with a worried tone as she heads towards him.  "Everything is well my Queen, your father asked me to check on you and bring you back" his words made Sam roll her eyes.

"Felix? Am I not Queen?" She asked yet her words made Felix frown as he wondered if she was unwell to ask such a question. "You are, have you forgotten?" He teased making Sam chuckle a little then walked past him.

The pair went back to the throne room, everyone looked over at Sam which made Sam frown. "What is the matter? Well? Someone speak" she spoke in a cold tone before Carlisle walked in which was a rare sight. "Carlisle?"  Sam spoke as a few guards grabbed him while Aro stood from his chair.

"I warned you what would happen if you returned Carlisle, you are foolish to come here alone" He spoke in a cold tone. "Foolish yes but it is the Queen I've come to see, not the former King" Carlisle spoke calmly as Sam snapped her fingers and the guards let him go which made Aro hiss out in anger.

"And the Queen shall speak with you privately, clear the room at once apart from my uncle Marcus" she ordered yet Aro listened knowing Marcus would tell him everything that was said later.

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