Part Five

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Sam couldn't believe that ben had asked her to marry him but her mind was set on the meeting she had with her father as she wasn't going to lose Nina, she grew to love her and she adored how ben was with Nina but it also made her think about what was taken from her, the ability to have children. 

"Sam? my love? are you okay?" Ben spoke talking her hand before kissing her hand then smiled which snapped Sam out of her mind, she smiled in return as she cuddled into him.  "I am fine just thinking about what my father said" she sighs while ben embraced her. 

"don't think about him Sam, think about us and our little life together" ben spoke while pulling her towards the door to leave. "let's go home, Nina is going to stay with the Cullen's tonight so that we can spend the night together, alone"  Ben grins towards Sam as the two walked to their house, once ben and Sam got home they notice the door had been left open, Sam frowns but the sudden sight and sound of Ben falling to his knees growling in pain but before Sam could put a force field over him, she had a hand around her throat and it began to squeezed tightly so  she gripped the hand only to see that it was Felix's hand. "N--No! let him go!" she struggled a little as Alec and Jane steps out of the house.  

Jane just stared at Ben while he was now laid on his back due to the pain. "Your father says we are to take you home, he said to kill anyone who tries to stop us" Alec spoke with his usual cold tone as he looks down at Ben with a smirk. "he is taking a lot more pain then I thought he would"

Sam struggled more as she tried to get free to protect Ben from Jane's power, it was killing her to see him in so much pain. "Stop! Stop hurting him!! I'll go! just stop!" she yelled out as Jane snapped her gaze towards Sam. "and your father named you the future Queen?! you would give up so easy! for a mate!"  Jane was pissed as she had been a loyal member and saw Aro as a father so the fact that Sam was named the future Queen of the coven made her angry. Felix let Sam go and she rushed over to Ben to check on him after Jane had lost focus on him.  "B---Ben? hey it's okay as you are safe now" she spoke while holding his hand as her eyes began tearing up.

"D--don't G--Go, D--Don't leave me--not again" he spoke out weakly as Sam closed her eyes allowing the tear to roll down her cheek. "I'll Always love you Benjamín, remember this" she whispers before giving him one last kiss then Felix ripped her away from him, he pushed her to Alec and straight into his arms.  "hello Princess" he spoke with a big grin before holding her close and ran still holding her. 

"N--NO! S--SAM!" Ben yelled out as he tried his best to use his powers to stop them but it was too late since Sam had disappeared from his sight. "I'll save you my love, i'm going to find you" he rushes to the Cullen's place and told them everything that had happened, they spent hours coming up with plans to save Sam but Alice had seen the future to each one that had suggested and Ben always died or Sam died.  

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