Part Twelve

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Sam rushed to the cullens house to see if Ben was there with their daughter as she couldn't wait to tell them what happened but she got a strong scent of the wolves.

She walked in slowly to see Jacob the new alpha with his pack and the Cullens stood over a body. "Carlisle?" She spoke as Carlisle slowly looked over at her then moved to walk in front of her. "Sam, come with me" he didn't want her to see what had happened.

"What? No what's going on? Who's on the table?" She spoke trying to push past him, Carlisle wasn't moving as Emmett and Edward moved to help. "Sam listen to Carlisle please" Edward spoke but Sam shakes her head before moving past them.

"NO!! NO!!" Sam screamed loudly before falling to her knees as tears filled her eyes as Edward and Emmett rushes over to her. "Sam, it will be okay, we will find out who did this, they will pay" Edward tried to reassure her as Sam looked at the headless body on the table and the head next to the body.

"! Ben! I know who did this! It's my fault!" Sam sobs as the anger built up inside, her eyes went green. "Everyone down!" Carlisle spoke as everyone got down just in time as Sam screamed in anger making a wave of energy mixed with a force field rush through the whole house, it reached for a few miles.

Carlisle looks over at Sam and moved a little closer to her but he couldn't get through the force field she hand around her. "Sam! I know you are hurting! Don't do this! We are all here for you!" He called out as Sam's eyes glowed neon green while looking at Carlisle.

"No! He is dead! I know who did it! I know!" She stood up only to rush back to Italy.

"Sam!! Come back!" Carlisle called out after her as he didn't want her doing anything stupid.

Marcus was talking with Felix about how the coven would be better off without Aro but he was suddenly cut off by the sudden slam of the doors being pushed open, to his surprise there was his Daughter...with her purple hair and neon green eyes.

"Sam?" He asked looking at her as Sam gave him a warning glare making him back off a bit. "JANE!!! SHOW YOURSELF!!" she boomed with her anger filled voice while Jane walked in with a smile.

"Yes my Queen?" Acting innocent didn't work as Sam slammed her into a wall then threw her across the room. "Tell them what you did!! Tell them!!" Sam spoke trying her best to keep control while Alec went to step in. "Alec don't" Marcus warned as he had seen that look before.

"What I did? I didn't do anything my queen" Jane spoke standing up only to kicked into a wall for lying. "Lies!! Tell them all how you murdered my mate! How you murdered your Queen's mate!!" Sam snapped making a few members of the coven gasp, Alec couldn't believe what he had just heard nor could Marcus or Felix.

"Oh that! Yes of course I killed him! You are weak! He was weak! You don't deserve to be Queen! Aro should have picked me! You aren't even his daughter! Your his niece!" Jane snapped making Sam growl loudly.

"You?! Queen?! You would never be Queen! Nothing but a child desperate for attention! Attention from a man that never saw you! Never loved you! Just a weapon he could use when he felt like it" Sam spoke harshly as Marcus steps togethers his daughter.

"Sam? I know what she did was unforgivable but killing her would make you just like Aro" he didn't want his daughter going down that road.
"Kill her? Oh I'm not going to kill her, have her locked up, I'll decide what to do with her over time" she snapped as Jane was dragged away, Alec looks at his feet as he had no idea what his twin sister had been planning.

"My Queen?" He spoke as Sam snapped her head towards him. "Not a word Alec, I know you knew nothing about this" she spoke as Marcus pulled Sam into a hug.

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