Part Six

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Sam walked through the grand doors to the throne room to see her father and uncles waiting for her along with the whole coven but her fathers seat was empty, a small crown rests on a pillow that Marcus was holding with a sad almost like he felt sorry for her.

Felix stood by the door as Alec walked Sam over to her father with a grin. "As you requested my lord, she didn't even put up a fight" he spoke moving to stand next to his sister as Aro just gave his usual smirk when he had won something.

"My darling girl, you made the right decision for you and the coven"  he spoke taking her hand to read her mind. "My dear I know it hurts but you will love being Queen, you'll rule which is good for the coven". He tried to reassure her as Jane grits her teeth since she would be the better queen.

Sam removed her hand from his grip and rolled her eyes before glaring. "What was best for me?! Ben is what was best for me! My daughter! I love this coven but I don't want to be Queen, I want to live my life with Ben" she snapped which Aro just blow off ad he moved her to the seat.  "Don't be silly my child, you were raised for this moment"

Aro Pushed her onto the throne as he took the crown from Marcus then moved over to place it on Sam's head.  "Your new Queen!" He spoke loudly as the coven bowed down to her, she wasn't going to lie as it did feel good to see them kneel to her but her mind was to focused on Ben and if he was okay.

                Four months later.

"My queen! Please! I didn't mean break the rules!" A vampire spoke while being held by Felix, a cold look rests on her face as she stood up off her chair and walked over slowly then smirks while her father and uncles were watching them.

"You didn't mean to break the rules? That is the best you can come up with? Would you like a minute to come up with something else?" She asked as she stared coldly at the vampire while they stuttered trying to come up with something else to stay before gasping faintly while blood drip from his ears, nose, eyes and mouth.

"I'm waiting!" She snapped as the vampire couldn't get any words out while choking on his own blood. "Nothing? Shame" she spoke calmly before  his head suddenly exploded getting blood everywhere which left the coven in silent but that was broken by her father laughing and clapping.

"Wonderful!!" He spoke with a faint gasp as he was very happy with what his daughter had just done. "Fantastic! A fine Queen you have become my child"

Marcus on the other hand was very disappointed with who and what his niece had become,  a heartless monster just like her father. "Clean this up" Sam ordered as she walked off to get herself cleaned up but she was stopped by Marcus.

"Sam? You have become like your father, this isn't you, you must stop think about Ben?" He spoke as Sam just stares at him. "Ben? I had him and yet I put him in danger, I won't ever have him again"  she snapped at Marcus which made him step back a little.

"You can't become like your father, don't let your heart become as black as your fathers, Sam you aren't like him" he spoke with a sigh as he rests a hand on her shoulder.

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